
Technically Kevan Lannister was the last to die, no?

Fetch me my jug of 'shine!

The best fictional spies at the moment are definitely not British.

It means you can go on a run and track your route/speed (and listen to music) without having to haul your phone along. That's huge for me, because I wouldn't have even considered a smartwatch that couldn't track runs un-tethered (as I hate carrying my phone on runs), but now that it's possible I'm more open to owning

1st gen Moto X was all plastic, and is a great feeling and looking phone (I still use it today, without a case). It's not the materials - it's the design - any (reasonable) material can be made into a good phone - Samsung has just been behind the curve in that aspect.

Or get one of these guys:

Yup, the Gawker hack is still my only one that shows up on those sites for my email.

Yea I figure they'll still keep Balon, Asha-Yara and Theon's plots. But sounds like there's a strong chance that the Euron and Victarion stuff might get cut, which was a big chunk of Feast. They'd be cool characters to see on screen, but frankly I wouldn't really miss that plot. I'm all for streamlining what needs to

Yea, and if Hardhome is a significant plot point, then Jon's full arc in Dance plays likely out this season. which means that S5 will hit all the major Feast/Dance plot points (while cutting some fat - Greyjoys, Griffs?) and as suspected we'll be fully into new territory come next season.

For instance, where are you all going, Elbert Country, Colorado

"Could we be getting another Season-ending battle royale between the Watch, Stannis' army and the remnants of the Wildlings? Or is this the big throwdown with someone else?"

Yea that'd be cool if this little guy turned out to be a 'Neverborn' ... that'd mean that episode really did get deep into future book territory.

Was going to post this. It took me a long time to get into it ... I think I read maybe 100 pgs and then put it down. At the time I thought it was just too dense and complex in what it was trying to set up and I wasn't absorbing anything. Didn't revisit until a year later, pushed through, and then blew through it. I've

I completely understand your reasons for avoiding online social networks (and agree with much of it - I too prefer direct forms of communication with actual friends). All I'm saying is that it is very possible to use them, if desired, without jeopardizing your career.

Sure, if you can't control your social networking content and privacy to the point where it'd jeopardize your profession, get rid of it. But like I said, I know plenty of lawyers (some in NYC!) and doctors (a few are even neurologists, who apparently are held to a higher standard?) who have Facebook/Instagram accounts

"Oh, and I found, at least for law and medicine (I'm an attorney and my wife is a doctor), no one in those professions cares about social media."

Yup, I wasn't too hopeful. In fact, it's already been removed. Which I'll of course take to mean HBO removed it because it's true, haha.

Well this would be awesome: