
+1 for Dolin vermouth. The Rouge makes for a damn fine Manhattan. Also, keep your vermouth in the fridge :

9% - and as UnstableElement said the pats had a 12% chance of winning when it was 2-and-1 on the 1, so letting them score wouldn't have given the Pats an edge. Still a only small chance off stopping them at the goaline, but sounds like Belechick decided to let the clock run and not give Seattle a chance to think about

Browner did a damn good job also of jamming Kearse on the line. If Kearse had gotten through a bit quicker the play was designed to have him slow down Butler and at worst it'd have been an incomplete pass.

Sounds like it was potentially down to Jonas Gray and Butler for the last active roster spot for the game. Crazy how it worked out.

You should put your clam chowdah recipe up there. That's what I'm making to do my part as a New England ex-pat living out West.

What would really help with the wait is a Stormlight film/tv deal. I want to see Surgebinding and twinkly sprens on the the screen, godammit!

Eh, I had fairly substantial back issues when I was a teenager, started out going to a chiropractor (because my mom's into that sort of thing), but eventually switched to a good old fashioned physical therapist, which worked much better (and quicker). Those 'adjustments' never really seemed to do much.

There have been a few recent well made / successful remakes on premium cable (and Netflix) : Veep, Getting On, House of Cards come to mind.

Then in 2002, Wolfson, originally from Chicago, moved to Arizona where he met his wife, a chiropractor, who "opened my eyes."

I mostly do day hikes these days and stick to trail runners for the most part. I bought these 'minimalist' shoes (Columbia Master Fly) a couple years ago for cheap and they've been great, even for descending 1500' of loose skree off of a 14er here in CO. The benefit of having light/flexible shoes on the ascent

Has there been indication that Fox intends to eventually team up FF and X-Men for a big "event" movie? Perhaps to fight Galactus?

Agreed. There are more than enough MCU movies coming out in the next 5 years to fill that "witty colorful super hero" need, so the other studios are best served to carve out their own style rather than try to just duplicate what Marvel is doing. All in all Fox has done well with the X-Men franchise (especially

Things this movie has going for it : 2 Wire alums. Wire alums make everything better.

I'll admit it; I'd totally eat a ham and cream cheese omelette. Especially when drunk. Throw some green chilies in there and now we're fucking talking.

Day trading stocks for short term gain? I agree.

Now playing

Reminds me of this Black Mirror's "Be Right Back" episode.

Yea it's free on CC's website:

I'd be more excited if they were trying to get Vince Gilligan to run it. After watching Chris Carter's Amazon-Prime pilot I'm not sure he has the touch anymore.

So is usage of the term "dvd" the equivalent of "Kleenex" now? I guess "blu-ray" is kindof awkward to say.