
I'm guessing they had local news and then the Late Show go after the game.

During grad school I think I mainlined seasons 3 and 4 over a weekend (instead of working on my thesis). The whole series went down in a few weeks.

20 person-years out of hundreds of millions since they've had a vaccine available. That's quite the sample size you have going there. I'm interested in reading more of your research.

Now playing

Anyone else watching Getting On? This week had some good research-mice bits.

This. You can get 50-55" 4k tv from Sony/Samsung/Vizio for $1000-1500. Granted, these aren't top of the line models, but for many folks top of the line isn't what they're in the market for. Heck, 6.5 yrs ago I bought a mid-tier 46" Samsung LCD for $1400. Paying that much for a 55" 4k LED seems reasonable to me.

Is a great score, no doubt, and there are a lot of scores from the last 10-15 years that I really like (stuff from Clint Mansell, Trent Reznor, even Daft Punk & M83 come to mind). But I think my criteria for 'iconic' is one that I'll randomly find myself whistling for no good reason ... LotR, Jurassic Park, Star Wars

The Lord of the Rings score is the most recent I can think of that would be considered 'iconic' for genre movies.

"I can't think of a single show that I'd think of as like "Post-True Detective"

i highly recommend this stuff, especially if you're a fan of smokey/peaty scotch:

I ask the same question - I just wear spandex-type boxer briefs for athletic activity, they seem to keep everything locked into place.

That just makes me sad considering other FX shows include The Americans, Louie and Justified.

My dog is like frisbee dog. She could not give less of a shit about catching toys/balls/etc. Unless of course, it's made of chicken. Then she'll catch it., like a boss.

I don't think that many people still watch SoA.

I've had an Epic Local pass for 4 years now, the price has always been around $500-550 each of those years. Not sure how much the full Epic pass has increased over that time frame, but I think it has increased a bit more.