
Problem is most of the non-smart tv's have lower image quality you can really find top-tier screens without smart-tv features these days.

Problem is most of the non-smart tv's have lower image quality you can really find top-tier screens without smart-tv

Yea it's really only more of a summer alternative - although it is a lot nice for couples. For colder car camping we just use our backpacking Thermarests.

For 2-person car camping, a full-size blow up mattress just fits in our 3-man tent (Alps Mountaineering Zephyr), so we bought a cheap Coleman air mattress at Target along with a charger that uses DD's (also could get one that plugs into the car) - plenty of room for the wife and dog and I, and all for less than $50

Just one port:

Just one port:

Animators are part of a union - so their compensation has been collectively bargained with Disney - and they apparently do get residuals indirectly as contributions to their pensions.

I'm 32 years old and still find myself humming the theme song every once and a while. Must have really made an impression on me.

While I'll readily volunteer that it is exceedingly unlikely, and that there certainly is no hard science basis for it, there has been some interesting theories out there that could probably qualify as "dim" enough to justify the sci-fi treatment. For example, Brian Josephson (won a Nobel Prize in physics years ago)

Perhaps someday a better understanding of quantum entanglement could someday be utilized to communicate between two brains, across dimensions? "Love" would be relevant only because it produces a stronger electrical response in the brain, hence you need two brains that have a strong connection.

Now playing

Just wanted an excuse to post this Interstellar related awesomeness:

Now playing

Sortland had a blanket, a cell phone and a box of Wheat Thins with him.

Not solving gravity, as in how to have it artificially in a space colony. It's about "solving gravity" in order to launch the entire O'Neill colony from the surface of earth, with enough people on board, without extremely limited fuel and resources (sending it up piecemeal and harvesting moon/asteroid materials is not

Did the "pulsing" sound effect that was often used in the score remind you of the prime-number signal that Ellie received in Contact? I thought that was pretty cool.

I'm with you, a flask of whiskey is the way to go (my favorite is Rittenhouse Rye, 100 proof).

I'm what you'd classify as a "casual user" in Colorado. It takes me a while to go through an 1/8th (especially with a vaporizer, use way less that way). Yea $50-60 is pricey, but for my occasional use it's worth it instead of growing, even though that is allowed under the law. Plus I don't think my wife would

That's a pretty broad generalization. My parents paid for a good chunk of my education, got some financial aid, and I took out Stafford loans for the rest. I had a part-time work study job too but that really just covered books and spending money. Despite not having to bootstrap myself financially through school, I

We have one in the house we just bought, pretty excited to try it for the winter. The house also has an attic fan, which was pretty fantastic in the summer.

Well his incumbent opponent used to be an ICU nurse. That's kindof sciency. And she's a batshit card-carrying Tea Partier.

Ha beat me to it.

Ew, you mean ... fluid transfer?