
You can always convert other filetypes to Kindle mobi format using Calibre software on your computer. The Aura does look pretty sweet though.

So you can sign up for two Southwest credit cards (personal and business) at the same time, get 100,000 bonus points, and earn a companion pass!

Alternative for a non-shitty checking account: join a local credit union. Find one that has a good online banking service (mine has easy bill pay and even a mint-like financial planner) and app that allows mobile check deposit and all those fancy features. If you pick a good one, customer service will also be

Was it summer? The only reason I've heard for keeping them closed is if it's really hot/ & sunny it helps a bit keeping the plane cooler when they're turning it over for the next flight, as they don't have the air running for that period.

Yea if you know what you're getting into they're not necessarily terrible - I usually fly SW, but on occasion Frontier has a better schedule for where I need to go. So I make sure to check a bag (only $15 if you join their free FF program), and just carryon a backpack. But the seats do seem extra cramped, and since

I've had BoA since early 2000's and never had any of those issues. Although like you I do my main banking w/ a local credit union for 4 years now, and just keep around my BoA account when traveling to areas where my credit union account isn't as useful (ie internationally when BoA partners allow for free atm

Guessing that GRRM told Benioff and Weiss that Tyrion was eventually going to end up allying with Dany in later books, so they're just streamlining that plot point. Works for me.

Google+ solves this for android phones if you have it set to backup all your pics to the cloud. Obviously doesn't help if your phone is currently busted and didn't have it backing up though.

Living together for a significant amount of time before getting married pretty much takes care of all these issues (except for wedding gifts, of course ... but that's kindof a nice problem to have).

E-ink screens are easier on the eyes than LCD and are much better in bright sunlight (ie when reading outside at the beach or in the park) and have way better battery life (I can go on a trip for weeks and never have to plug it in).

Yea we had probably updated. Apple updates do seem to gimp their older devices - also happened to my wife's iPhones 3G and 4s after they were a couple years old.

We had a 1st Gen iPad, sold it last year - at that point it was similar to Planeis's description; really slow, buggy, freezing up. This was a stock model, no jailbreaking or anything.

The dates do match up:

I was born in '82 and don't really identify with "GenY/millenials" at all ... at least with how the generation is generally characterized by culture. On the other hand I don't really identify w/ GenX either ... was too young in the 80's. Any other ~32 yr olds feeling generation-less??

I think the pile driver diagram is wrong. This definitely looks more neck-fracture-y:

Wish I had an option ... luckily HBO Go works on my Chromecast.

Haha no worries, I appreciate your detailed breakdown of southern accent geography as it pertains to Eastbound and Down.

Considering they haven't even granted Xfinity/Comcast customers HBO Go access on Roku, I wouldn't hold your hopes up. Although TWC allowed put their app on Roku, so maybe with the merger Comcast will get their shit together (or, they'll just f-over TWC customers).

I think they mean initiating the streaming directly from a smartphone/tablet app (like Chromecast). That could be considered advantageous because the Netflix UI on a phone is better than the Roku Netlix interface, at least for browsing and searching for content. For just streaming on your queue or recently watched

Late to the party, but I didn't see it listed - I use BeyondPod (free version). Easy to organize all my feeds, and can pre-download episodes. Controls show up on the lockscreen no problem.