
Ah, the glory days of FPS. I still have fond memories, of Wolfenstien, Doom, and also Marathon (and even it's predecessor, Pathways into Darkness). Many hours spent in the family room of my house in middle/high school with those games.

Rescue mutts FTW. Here's mine doing her best Sound of Music impression.

Did you see season 3?

At first glance I read it as "P.T. Anderson", which would also be awesome.

Folks, if you watch tv shows on your laptop/tablet/phone via Netflix/Hulu/iTunes/Amazon/torrents, you consume tv, therefore you basically own a tv. A wee little tiny tv.

Don't worry, HBO just started another great depressing comedy (with a role for Molly Shannon as well) that'll probably get cancelled after two seasons after critics praise it and no one watches it!

Yup I work from home so email is my primary work communication tool (along w/ a healthy dose of good old fashioned phone calls).

I have my two email accounts (work and personal) always open as pinned tabs in my Chrome browser. So if I get a new email, the tab starts flashing. So basically it's always open.

Shameless and Masters of Sex are great shows. Homeland gets a lot of flak these days, but it's still highly entertaining IMO. They also have a few potentially good shows in the pipeline:

"So what does this mean for people with horrible taste in pizza toppings?"

Correction - considering the tattoo, I'd say it's a Thanksgivingukkah miracle!

Brussels sprouts are great if you just roast them at high temp w/ oil, salt and pepper. Key is to get them crispy but don't overcook the inside - that's when they get the sulfur-y taste.

My city is a Southwest hub, so I usually just stick w/ their miles. Between the credit card and promotions I usually get a few flights a year with points.

Thrift shops / Craigslist. My sub-$100 setup:

Alright Showtime, now make it work on Chromecast! You want to keep pace w/ HBO, don't you?

I agree, I'd never put my pet in a contraption like this ... my dog would likely have a heart attack in it.

Now playing

They should woof-activate this washing machine:

A huge difference maker is to NOT carve your turkey like this:

I can usually find it for around $22 on sale, still pretty cheap in my books.