
unless leaving in a shit hole in the middle of nowhere...

Because it's way more convenient. Netflix on Chromecast being controlled on a phone/tablet is much less clunky than plugging in your laptop, booting it up, opening your browser, going to Netflix ... Plus you either need to get up to pause it, or have an hdmi cable long enough to reach the couch.

3 so far... microwave, coffee maker, stove. Still need to change my cars and the thermostat. I usually don't even bother changing the couple of random analog clocks we have around.

14" = sweet spot between being able to be productive and portability.

Tank 7 from Boulevard is not my favorite beer, but I wouldn't lose respect for someone if it where theirs.

I drink 1-2 cups between 6-730 because I start work at 7. And so I can poop.

Yea I need to look into fees. All the options in my 401k are managed funds, so I'm pretty sure I can do a lot better going w/ a low-fee Vangaurd/etc. fund for a Roth. I'm leaning towards just contributing up to my employer's 3% match to the 401k and going out on my own w/ a Roth and low-cost index fund for the rest.

Good advice. I have a decent emergency fund in an online savings account, I guess it'd make sense to start transferring that over to a Roth IRA where it'd earn more than it is right now.

Now playing

Looks like Buffalo Bill got a hold of this guy

For a 401k w/ company match, does it make sense to only contribute up to the match %, and put the rest into a Roth? Or I guess it depends on our specific tax bracket?

My 90 year old grandfather (from Connecticut) always talked shit about Franconca ... even when they were winning 2 championships. "Ah, he's a bum" was his favorite insult. He is however a Farrell fan.

I think it's fair, because the prices listed reflect what the majority of consumers are going to pay ... if you're buying an iPhone, S4, etc., you're likely going to getting a subsidized on-contract phone (there are exceptions of course, but in the US at least I'd guess more people get on-contract phones). And the

Titanium backup might be able to do that (or at least get you close). You need to be rooted though.

I've got your fracking 'shopped toaster right here.

I think the Canon ELPH should be in there. Not sure what year/model (mid-2000's?), but I'd say it was the most influential affordable compact point-and-shoot and seemed to dominate the market before camera-phones were able to catch-up in terms of quality. At least from what I can remember as far as most friends/family

I think the RAZR was the more influential dumbphone camera, just because it seemed like everyone had one and was actually using them. Then when the iPhone came out, a lot of people where already accustomed to using a camera as a phone in a lot of situations.

I can get Anathem (Neal Stephenson) for $1.99. Which I might actually do, because it's a pretty thick book and would be much more convenient to re-read in Kindle form!

Solid poops FTW!

Huh? Do you normally drive straight through the center of a roundaabouts or something?

You also have to feed less of the higher-quality foods, as they contain more protein/etc. per serving... I pay ~$45 for a bag of my dog's food. That typically lasts 6-7 weeks (she's about 55-60 lbs, so by no means a tiny dog). So I'm paying less than $8/week.