
Agree. I've always put 8% of my pre-tax paycheck into a retirement fund (and get a 3% match plus some profit sharing dividends) and never have considered that part of my available money. Have tried to build up a decent savings fund as well, but have had to dip into that from time to time. I think my retirement fund is

Fox says this is to take advantage of an NFL double header on Sunday the 18th and give the new show a strong lead-in.

Good on you then.

Do you have a wife and 2 kids that you also support w/ just your salary?

a) 'Real' North Carolina BBQ is chopped, not pulled. Chopped >> pulled.

I dunno, I'm pretty satisfied w/ email these days. I use Gmail to grab my work email. Used to have a bunch of filters and labels for different projects, but eventually succumbed to Gmail's all-encompassing "one inbox" philosophy. The search is good enough that I can quickly find a specific email from years ago. And

Agree, Rittenhouse is my favorite "daily drinker" rye. Unfortunately the secret is out and it's often out of stock at my liquor store. Bulleit is a serviceable fill in for my Manhattan needs.

Seriously. I just bought a bottle of Bulliet Rye for ~$25. I'll stick w/ the spoon.

I definitely remember being pretty damn scared as a kid by the Garfield Halloween special. Good call!

My dog gives us that look when we're in "her spot" on the couch. If the issue is not resolved promptly, she'll start growl-whining at us.

This would be great for ski/snowboard jackets ... could make it much easier to zip up w/o having to take gloves off.

Their business model does depend on those components of the iPhone to function properly, so it is in their best interest take the time to figure out the problem and how to solve it.

Orphan Black!

I'd say it's in my top 5 new shows ... but I'd have a hard time ranking it ahead of The Americans and Orange is the New Black. Also Top of the Lake was goddamn good but that might count as a miniseries instead of new show.

Red Vines.

Uh ... Breaking Bad is definitely not a "pro drug" show. I'd say it shows pretty honestly the consequences of involving oneself in that world. It's not pretty.

It's that good.

They made a big deal about the "bloody tears" ... the walker that Rick kept looking at had them, and now dead nerd kid has them. They didn't show if the pig had them though.

Personally I'm with you - I wouldn't want a phone bigger than 4.7-5" depending on the form factor. But what's wrong w/ a variety of sizes? Most "flagship" phones are still in the 4.7" range, but models like the Note do pretty well sales-wise, so clearly there is a market for them. With people using phones less and

Seriously. Although I think my wife would frown upon me stockpiling $1000+ tvs.