
Ugh I wish I was in the market for a new tv now. Otherwise I'd definitely get an ST60 right now. Was thinking maybe in a few years I'd be ready for an upgrade, but Panny plasmas won't be an option then! I do have a cheap Samsung plasma in my basement and it's a great screen, hopefully they'll keep making them for a

I walk downstairs to my basement, where I have my office set up. Usually have some coffee and watch the news upstairs first; it can be dangerous to navigate stairs before being sufficiently caffeinated.

Yea it is pretty much unusable on my computer. Granted, it's a 5+ year old Core2Duo computer w/ only 3 gigs of ram, but still!

Yea I often end up doing this manually because I don't need navigation for the whole trip, just the last couple miles once I'm off the highway or something. My workaround is to have the address selected in the maps app, so all I have to do is press navigate & it starts. Still, not very ideal as far as "hands free"

I'm in the same boat. The new Google Maps slowed the bejesus out of my 5-yr old Thinkpad so I've been sticking w/ the old version, which is just fine. That's not very encouraging that it does the same to a 1 yr old Macbook!

Probably the HTC One?

It's also $99 for existing Sprint customers ($79 for new customers)

canned chicken breast is the tits!

Or just wait until chicken thighs (the undisputed king of chicken cuts) are on sale for $0.99/lb, and freeze a bunch (or pre-cook then freeze for even easier prep).

Taco Tuesday!

Benefits for me by using a credit card for pretty much all of my spending, which I pay in full every month and therefore don't pay a cent in interest:

Whedon's last show (Dollhouse) had the same issue for me. Good characters, good dialog, and a lot of terrible plots in the early episodes. But it vastly improved over time, the end of S1 and most of S2 was great (and then it got cancelled, of course).

Yea you're gonna want to throw those strawberries away. And bleach your fridge.

Amazon offering you $900 for a tv you purchased refurbished 1.5 years ago is actually pretty good of them. Sure, in a perfect world they'd give you a full refund or a new tv, but really they're not obligated to give you anything. If it were me I'd take the $900 and buy something like this:

That's why I always use my credit card for big purchases. Not sure what course of action you'd have if it broke outside of the warranty period. Don't really see why Amazon would be to blame in any case, seeing as LG is the one who made the TV.

Should have it, most Visa Signature cards do:

Exactly my position. I've had my address since 2000 or so, don't get any spam, and it does what I need it to for a personal email account. I could migrate and combine it w/ the Gmail address I use for work, but honestly I just don't feel like it.

What credit card did you buy it with? Because many will double the manufacturers warranty, which are usually 1 yr. So 1.5 yrs could still be covered depending on what broke.

Yea cyclists here in CO are something of a freakishly in shape bunch.

Even better, if you're of the physical means, take a couple days to hike it. Makes the donuts 1000x more delicious.