I go the other way. There's a pub that has a delicious vegetarian burger, all nutty and mushroomy, its delicious. But its better when ordered with bacon and cheese. Never seen wait staff so confused. :)
I go the other way. There's a pub that has a delicious vegetarian burger, all nutty and mushroomy, its delicious. But its better when ordered with bacon and cheese. Never seen wait staff so confused. :)
No but my moat full of zombies will. ;)
My family owns 3 acres 3hours north of Toronto, on a lake, with a spring, and on a rural road.
Those of us in Canada will not let you in.
I think you win... holy shit...
What can I say, Toronto likes its fusion cuisine.
Ha! My brother did this to my Nana when visiting once he noticed that the sun was setting in a different place in relation to the house than when he was at home. And Nana said "Yes, the sun sets in the west, thats west!" and my brother frowned and said "Nana, don't you know the sun never moves, the earth orbits around…
Go back to talking about handing out vaginas to good behaving man-babies if they're polite, I liked you better that way.
Screencapped :)
Same same.
Darling, if you're going to try and insult me, please use the correct "your" and not the contraction for "you are", makes you look stupid when you do that. *smoochies*
if the guy asks for your vagina, and you say no, and he says "okay" and goes on his way, that is actually good. He should be given the chance to do this
What? Crazy talk! You know that sitting at a bar drinking alone is the universal symbol for "willing to dispense sex like candy to children to anyone that asks"!
Nope. Sorry, you are wrong. We're talking about dudes that send unsolicited dick pics, dudes that move from "You have such lovely eyes" to "I want to cum on your tits" in the space of second. We do not owe them "politeness" or respect. They deserve to be shot down for their DISrespect of us.
Just like being on a dating site doesn't mean you DTF any dude that asks! Funny that! ;)
... but she's not talking to them, she's just blocking them or not engaging them. Thats less "rude" than having the third thing they ask be "DTF?" why are their feelings more important than hers in this equation?
#1 - and I have inverse story for you!
Jezebel; Fourth Wave
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