Missy Pants

No lies - I broke up with my first "real" boyfriend in 1992 - partial credit goes to Ace of Base and this song. I bought this CD and listened to this song on repeat for like a week until I got up the courage to break up with him. :)

Its really really good. Even the MCs he's written about like it. :)

Have you been reading The Hip Hop Family tree? Its good!

He could be talking about them too. (especially the eyeball people /shudder)

At some point, those guys have to cop to the fact that by encouraging this distinctive culture that is removed from the mainstream, they have encouraged people to be so different from the mainstream that they can't participate other than, you know, the racks in the garment center and those entry-level jobs

Is good, you will like. I promise. :)

Ok, now I'm just following you around. ;)

Historic cannibal? ;)


You are answering your own questions. :)

I think its more a suggested list of attributes vs. mandatory attributes. :)

I can't edit my comment but I needed to add:

... the Robot Hugs comic doesn't say anything about being rendered helpless or useless?

See also: Wanted and The Lego Movie. /sigh

Oh, he's not awful, we all have rose coloured glasses in some instances. ;)

Yeah, I went and looked it up, 365 days a year. Things have changed a lot since 1998, and not just in Vegas. :)

Ha! I checked! They are now issued the same day you apply for it! So I guess if you're getting married at the court house it could be a quick in & out? And man, you can get a license almost 24/7 now... 8:00a.m.-Midnight, 7 days a week/365 days a year - including holidays - Vegas don't fool around, they know what side

Yes and no. He left when I asked him to, so that was nice. :)

As someone who actually got married in Vegas by Elvis, lemme tell you; you still need a marriage license from Clark County, and you can't get them same day, and the office, like most municipal offices are not open 24/7.

Heh, I also proposed and as I walked down the aisle I thought "holy shit what am I doing..." - my inner voices weren't assholes, they were right, took me six months to realize tho...