Missy Pants

Newfoundland and Australia are still pretty pissed about where those hot potatoes ended up...

Yeah, also I don't want to be in a relationships with someone who confuses pants-feelings for "love" - that is also a recipe for disaster.

You're giving a master class is demonstrating "the myriad ways a man can refuse to listen and still mansplain" - thank you, I will refer back to this as a perfect example of that awesome combo.

Abusive situations in my mind aren't "relationships" and I fault no one with whatever means they had to employ to get out of abusive situations.

See, I wouldn't call that poaching, not exactly. You wanted out, you wanted a chance to try and be with someone else, and lucky for you it worked out. But it sounds like you took a big gamble, he might not have wanted to be with you, but you still wanted out. Different than poaching I think... just a little.

Yes, that is exactly what I said.

But we're talking about specifically being "poached" - i.e. leaving a relationship for someone else. To me, that is maladaptive behaviour, I wouldn't do it and I wouldn't accept it in a mate.

You know nothing about me and I don't have to explain my relationship history to you so you can judge if I know "enough" about a topic to comment.


Aw, I'm sorry, that sucks. :(

It must be his time of month, someone needs to get him some chocolate and wine STAT!

Having feelings for other people while in a LTR is normal, healthy even. Acting on them... not so much.

I think you're joking but not really?

I have never understood this...

Its not true! Its gets less frequent but more gross, cuz now you're an old hag you should be even MORE appreciative of their attentions!

Its also untrue.

Untrue. The most street harassment I ever get are on days I dress "down". Track pants, hat, no make up, hoodie, etc. Its like a dick-magnet.

Men at risk from other men? Colour me shocked! /sigh

Your examples support my argument, not yours.

And women are disproportionally MORE at risk than men. Or did you not read all the comments to you yesterday?