
I hope someone can figure out a way to successfully argue their admittance was already approved and should be grandfathered in.

Elections have consequences...and this one just sucks! Hopefully someone can sustain them in Istanbul for the next 120 days (if the ban really is temporary, that is). You would think that people that close--literally getting on the plane--would still be able to come since we’ve already “promised” that but that isn’t

Demi Lovato all the way lmao. Fraud.

People who have lived in the US for years, who have studied & worked here and have families, have been denied re-entry into the country. People with proper green cards have been denied re-entry. Families in places like Yemen, who have lost their homes to US-backed Saudi bombing, are denied entry. People who risked

I was drugged in college and ended up passed out in a diner bathroom. A few hours later I was concious again and was able to speak coherently. So if she says she was drugged, she was drugged. I feel like that last line was added to insinuate she’s lying.

I know this is not entertainment news but the three Syrian families our mosque sponsored will not be coming to America as a result of the ban. They sold all their belongings, went through two years of grueling interviews and background checks and were at the airport in Istanbul Ataturk airport with their luggage and

I don’t remember which Disney type starlet tried this, but they played the unpopular bullied card and everyone came out and said yea no. Turned out they were the popular bully. (If multiple reports were to be believed)

The last time Ed Sheeran claimed he wasn’t popular in high school someone from his school in the comments replied “If by not popular he means that he had loads of friends, was well liked and dated frequently, and was invited to all of the parties thrown by the kids who were popular then yes. I guess he was unpopular.”

I have listened to someone with a genetic illness say he wished he had not been born - and mean it. You don’t know what every situation is, and people in bad situations aren’t likely to tell you about them.

True, we already know that in terms of numbers, that Democrats in Congress can’t force anything without Republican defectors. However, when the crap hits the fan later on, this will be something that can be used as ammo against all the Republicans who refused to stand up and do the right thing. At the very least, it

Rand Paul and AK senator Lisa Murkowski are two republicans I know of who are wavering. Call call call!

I’ll bet their feelings about PP didn’t stop them from more than once saying, “Aw, c’mon, baby, it just feels better bare.”

Pence is married to a former teacher, and she apparently heavily advised him on education policy, which has devastated teachers and public education in Indiana.

A good friend’s mum told me, in all seriousness, that young white single men are the most discriminated group in modern history. I had to just walk out of the room.

Or to see just how far the POTUS could take his Cabinet of Deplorable Billionaires? Hard to say.

I wonder if she was purposely chosen as a sacrificial lamb.

All his other picks have various levels of fuckerry to them. She actually kills two birds with one stone: 1) Trump nominates her just to cover his ass because she was such a YUGE donor to the party ($200M+.) And 2) she sucked so bad at her hearing and

I don’t think there is anything you can say. I argued with my brother over the holidays about equal pay. He claimed that the numbers were lies because they were averaging the amount of money all working women get with all working men. And since women are more likely to work in lower paying jobs, of course they would

My mom used to joke that she would abort me and my siblings because we weren’t “viable” without her.

I seriously doubt even Trump and his minions could find someone who would be worse for education than Betsy DeVos

Even if she gets rejected Trump will nominate someone worse.