
...d-did you see the poll toward the bottom? The one that says that 42-freaking-percent of Trump voters thinks he should be able to have a private email server?!

I’m very worried - I have heard on Twitter from a few sources that Syrians or Pakistanis with US Green Cards are being denied reentry at the airport gates. Right now they aren’t sure if it’s Border Agents overacting or if this is an intended part of Trump’s EO banning immigrants.

My favorite dystopian novel, 1984, ends with hopelessness and a quashed rebellion and people submitting to fear tactics and brainwashing so that’s my model for the next four years pretty much.

Take a deep breath and remember:

In the past 30 minutes(!!!) I’ve gotten news alerts on my phone that:

We bought our first gun right after the election. It sickened me to do it, but there it is. Ugh.

The very nano-second that you see the government support gun restrictions you will know the government is afraid of revolution from the left.

At least the number of dystopian novels with rebellion plots recently have given us a gluttony of plans of attack to choose from. Soon we might be finding out exactly how far we’ve strayed from the roots of our country; I have to say, I never thought I’d be able to fully comprehend the emotional states of the

Those of us who are less vulnerable have to be loud for them.

Stringer also talked about the economic impact of immigrants in the city: how many are business owners, how many work in the financial sector, etc... He made a point that we are not just doing this because it’s the right thing to do, but it’s also to our economic benefit to welcome and defend immigrants. I love it

I love his outfit. That is a straight FU to this administration.

Loving all the people coming together against Trump. He’s actually unifying Americans ... against him.

President Donald Trump, a swollen bag of spoiled milk

“On the other, it’s nice to see other countries providing aid to poorer countries.”

Please. Like the US was the only country funding those programs. Get over yourself.

Donald Trump: “Sorry rest of the world, you’re on your own. The United States is going it alone.”

So I assume that all churches have lost their tax exemptions and federal aid? Because those places seem to mention abortion services A LOT. Haha yeah right I didn’t think so -_-

I’ll second that...

Dear Netherlands,

Can I just say bravo to the Jez team? You’ve been cranking out the non-stop coverage over the last week. Thank you.