
Taking a page from Stephen Harper, I see. Under the Conservatives the biggest increase in federal employees was in Communications officers, because Scientists couldn’t be trusted to talk to the media.

Actually, now would be a good time for us to be invaded by aliens who take over ruling the planet for a while; we’ve messed it up too much and are no longer capable of governing ourselves.

I know. Jesus.... it’s scary.

Pick 3 to start and try them? Can always change things later.

It only took the Nazis a few weeks to completely overthrow the democratic system in Germany. This shit can go quick.

Yes totally overwhelming. picking a top three is a great idea. But then I think of five more things and am overwhelmed again. And I know this is what they. Want. To Paralyze us

So, yesterday I was thinking what would be my top three things to fight in the Trump administration. I was getting overwhelmed with it all. There’s so much to fight against, to donate to, to volunteer for, etc. So, mine are the environment, woman’s rights, and the DREAMers. (These may change during the next 4 years,

I would like to add that Doug Erickson can go straight to hell. Not the fun one where we’ll all be, but the fire-and-brimstone one reserved for rapists and people who talk in movie theaters. He has wreaked havoc on the WA legislature for years and just re-introduced another anti-trans bill and an “economic terrorism”

That was the intent, yes. And it made sense in the 18th century. At this point though, what it really means is that if you live in Nebraska, your vote is worth 5 times as much as a person who lives in California. We won’t get rid of it because too many states have a vested interest in keeping it that way.

Trouble is, now they just pander to Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania. All the current state of the electoral college does is shift around which states get the most power.

I have to say I disagree, without the Electoral College then “California, New York and Florida” are no longer states to be pandered to, but places that are full of individuals with different needs and preferences. There are plenty of progressive voters in Texas and there are lots of conservative voters in California.

I don’t understand this, are people happy that their vote counts less/more depending on where they live?

Exactly! Instead of California and New York, Ohio gets to decide the country’s agenda. Is that better or worse? It’s a distinction without a difference. The places where the people are have different problems, but we have leaders who refuse to address city life because they fundamentally don’t understand or you know,

Strategically, right now nothing matters more than state legislatures that will determine voting districts after the 2020 census. The number and makeup of seats available in 2018 literally gives democrats almost no additional power over what we have now.

Do you really think that balancing the representation of states based, essentially, on land mass is more fair? Shouldn’t it be one person = one vote? Why should a rancher in Montana’s vote count more than mine, just because his closest neighbor is three miles away and I share a wall with mine?

I agree—I don’t want judges who just have similar political leanings, I want judges who are sticklers for the law.

The surrogate was like 7 months along when she decided she no longer wanted it cause she had a fight with the dad. It is absurd to use that as some sort of excuse.

A few years ago, I read a magazine article where she discussed having several abortions during her wild youth.

and disseminated them

he should have spent some time social engineering himself a neck.