
Nice trolling. The way the Republicans won is thru divide and conquer. The Dems are a minority and can only get shit done if they cut deals with the few Republicans that aren’t total nut cases.

Right there with you. Carson is paying lip service to get the nom. Meanwhile, those of us who work in the nonprofit sector are shitting ourselves. Its not called picking battles when people’s housing is on the line. Housing IS healthcare and is the most basic human need, after food and sustenance. Fuck anyone who

Sky fairy let Trump be president even though he doesn’t go to church and has been all sorts of terrible, trump hasn’t been hit by lightening, sky fairy doesn’t care if you go to church.

It is a betrayal. And it’s why we lost, and are continuing to lose. Because we let fucking cowards be our representatives. They should be fighting tooth and fucking nail on every one of these nominations. Not a single one of them is even a quarter of a percent qualified. Our only chance at this point is if we can

I really, really want to believe in Sherrod, but for fuck’s sake - this is what gets democrats in trouble every.single.time. The GOP falls in line and obstructs and blocks and keeps in lockstep in their grinding halt to progress. Democrats shrug and say “well, maybe he’ll do okay.”

If every single Democrat doesn’t vote against DeVos, I will snap. She is a horrible monstrous person.

There MUST be something like that going on. Unless it’s just a case of “we’ll, we can’t oppose all his picks, who are we, Mitch McConnell?”

I’m going to guess that this is the reason—DeVos, Puzder, Sessions are worth devoting lots of energy/time.

It’s called picking your battles.

This is literally what needs to happen. We need real progressives in office, not people who just give lip service and then become useless when it is time to actually take a stand.

God bless her for exposing curly haired secrets.

If she is punished for protecting her life than she can sue a fetus under “personhood” protection to be punish as well for endangering her life. And believe me it will happen. Nothing is far fetched.

She works with a formula. Misdirect, misdirect, play the victim, compliment yourself. But it’s working for her.

If you allow me to strap on my tinfoil hat for a moment, what if she turned it down knowing that the transition was going to be a shit show? She lets spicer take the heat for the first couple of months, subtly undermining him the whole time so that when she thinks everything has settled down she easily kicks him out

It finally occurs to me who Trump and Conway remind me of:

I dunno. I used to say that, but I wasn’t into it with her MTP “alternative facts” bit on Sunday. She seemed rattled, and her evasions weren’t that smart. Even she seems diminished now that the presidency has commenced.

OMG in rapid fire speed. She talks so fast and moves on so quickly, your average listener can’t even remember what the original question is. We need dedicated journalists more than ever.

My husband thinks her skill is just to keep talking. She doesn’t flinch just moves on. It is rather incredible.

He already declared a “do-over” on his pathetic first press conference by declaring that this one is the first. Meanwhile his biggest concern is dippin dots.

Absolutely. Every single time I hear her speak, I walk away saying “I hate her so much, but holy fuck is she good at her job”.