
It’s just a normal thing. The headlines play it up as if he made it a national holiday, but that isn’t the case. Presidents always name their inauguration days. Obama did it, too. We all need to chill a bit, yo. There is some REAL shit happening that we need to keep our eyes on.

Nah, it sounds weird at first, because the headlines are playing it up like it’s a national holiday, but it is actually a normal tradition. Presidents name their inauguration days. Obama did it, too.

Just sharing this because.

I don’t see running for office in my own future, but at least all this talk is getting me to consider it. And it’s getting me excited to support women who do run locally (Gretchen Witmer for MI governor in 2018, woot!!)

She wasn’t fired, she got an alternative promotion. And that’s a fact!

Hail Hydra

Nazis committed genocide. Actual genocide.

Nazis shot babies in the face and dug mass graves before they murdered entire villages. They can be punched in the fucking face for all eternity.

Pacifism is a privilege


To quote Chris Rock:

As soon as someone calls me a nigger or advocates for my genocide, it is self defense. That is the first strike. It may not be reacted to violently every time, but that’s my choice. Not yours. And your finger wagging is nothing more than polite denigration.

Nope. Sometimes it’s necessary. Sometimes it’s required. I grew up in the punk scene. Even in the lefty haven that is Seattle we dealt with nazis at shows on a fairly regular basis. I think every punk scene did and probably still does have to put these bacteria in their place from time to time. The older punks here

To use an extreme example: If your daughter is about to get raped, would you beat the shit out of her attacker to protect her? Yes? Then punching is not always wrong.

If you’re calling for genocide, you don’t get to claim the moral high ground.

I agree with you in 99% of cases. But I had great-uncles who were actual German Nazis. And I tell you flatly, I wish to god someone had punched their lights out before they did what they later did.

wow did you just tell someone who shared a personal story about their childhood experience with violent racism that they should try and talk things out with someone who calls for the killing of black people?

Perhaps you’ve never been called a nigger and told you were gonna get hung from a tree. When you were 10, and in Southern California, in the early 90s. So yes, punching a white Hate terrorist in the face is the right thing to do.

That’s because it’s not *always* wrong. It’s *almost* always wrong in *almost* everyone’s daily life. Violence is just a tool in the toolbox. One does not use a hammer to drive a screw, or a soldering iron to cook scrambled eggs. Violence is the tool of choice for dealing with Nazis and other such low forms of life,