
You know who was my favorite speaker at the Women’s March? A man, one who used to annoy the hell out of me. Michael Moore. He kept it simple: he provided the number we call to voice concerns to our representatives. Then he told us: call every day. Put it in your schedule along with brushing your teeth and showing up

Propaganda. That’s what they’re trying to do. Delude the public and frustrate the dissidents

When I heard that, I was so glad to see the newsee take her to task for that.

Did you see the part where 200,000+ people have already signed the whitehouse.gov petition to release Trump’s tax returns, and Conway flat out said people don’t want to see them?

I’m still not sure how we ended up in the darkest timeline.

Every time he says that he’s giving the country back to “the people” it makes me sick. He shouldn’t be legally allowed to use that phrase when the states elected him, and “the people” indisputably wanted someone else. He needs to start saying “the states” instead.

This is what confuses me. Trump supporters think that every leftist/liberal is either unemployed or some sort of starving artist. It’s as if they have no concept of empathy. Just because I have a job that pays a livable wage and a fair amount of privileges and luxuries doesn’t mean I should say fuck everyone who

Notwithstanding the fact that they are talking about Donald Trump, who we all know is a rotting turnip wearing a wig made of dust bunnies, how can you say that about ANY politician? I love me some Obama but if he started wearing those mom jeans full-time and came out as an anti-vaxxer, I’d have to reconsider my

Apparently eight years under a black president turned white middle America into the most oppressed and systemically failed group in American history.

I am not a religious person at all, but if there is a God, don’t you think he would be pissed off at Donald for invoking his name? I mean, Donald and all those Republicans up there are pretty much the antithesis of New Testament teachings.

Neither of those are quotes from those movies - the transcripts are online, it takes 10 seconds to check. Posting made up stuff - especially stuff that’s so easy for anyone to prove false - is ultimately only going to undermine any resistance to him.

So he’s going to free America from all disease - that’s the fall back plan for cutting healthcare for 30m?

He also made them give Bill and Hillary a standing ovation at the Congressional luncheon. He’s gonna fuck with the GOP until they impeach him.

The one thing we’ve seen with this election is that if there is something Republicans hold higher than anything even their own devotion to their country is devotion to their party. With yesterday’s speech, he just thumbed his nose to the party. I am willing to bet that there were Republicans taking notes. And there

This isn’t the first time I’ve heard one of Trump’s supporters say *nothing* could change their minds about him. I find that a scary thing to say about any politician!

It’s almost like the more he tightens his grip, the more systems will slip through his fingers.

It makes you wonder how many bridges has Trump burned since he was elected president. He thinks he is the Teflon Don but everyone has their limits. The more he pushes, the more he pushes people to the other side. It’s going to be interesting to see who will finally take him down. As more time goes on, the list of

Oh my gosh this is wonderful!! And he looks so happy, hahaha.

‘Could Donald Trump do anything to lose their support? “No,” Dawn replied.’

“I think public schools should still be a thing for special needs children,” said Andrew, a former private school teacher and fan of Secretary of Education nominee Betsy DeVos. “Because the problem when they talk about vouchers is that there’s not gonna be enough money for special needs kids, so let’s have special