
Fuck Godzooky x infinity.

Of course there will be scenesters just down for the "authentic" atmosphere, knowing they can BART it back to Walnut Creek whenever they feel like it…

I feel the same with those Why Him? movie ads.

Liked what? It's borne out of necessity moreso than any sort of "liking" it.

They use that same "didn't know there was an etiquette" line every single time, too.

Facebook, ladies and gentlemen.

Sounds like an amazing venue. Good for the owner for staying strong.

Nailed it, CineCraft.

T. Herman Zweibel publishes with UTMOST integrity!

This asshat also mowed down, with his Buick LeSabre, a 13 year old girl just walking on the side of the road back in October.

I'll need to see some paperwork on that.

There are alternatives. Twitter's Periscope? (Twitter has its issues, but i'll side with them over the monolith Facebook anyday)

I lost a good friend Friday night. I'm fucking angry. I'm angry at the situation, i'm angry about the needless loss of life, i'm angry about others who have no idea trying to interject what "ought to be dones" in the aftermath, i'm angry at the lack of foresight in thinking out what was happening in this building,

I hate that guy.

Oh, I cut my teeth on classic Claremont Wolverine solo stories back in the 80s. What's missing from this tedious OML is the "fun" that CC brought to the proceedings with Logan on his ronin journey. Great support cast (Landau Luckman & Lake?) and stories that never felt like stale rehash.

Vidalia, before that fucking fisherman came along. And domesticated her. :(

Don Draper getting up and turning it off was a seminal moment in the series.

I honestly liked Fraction's SF team. Pixie was a capable young member.

I mean, even his vaunted Daredevil. What about it really stuck?

Remember Jia Jing? I think that one was Aaron's. Fell flat.