
yes. I know actual integrity in your beliefs might be a foreign concept to you, but it can be done.

That's not at all a good comparison. Reddit isn't a franchise.

You can't just stick your head in the sand and go LA LA LA, all those shit parts of Reddit don't apply to me AS YOU CONTINUE TO VISIT REDDIT.

Now you're just evading the argument entirely. So because Reddit otherwise provides something you DO enjoy, you're complicitly ok with whatever management's doing (or not doing, as the case may be) with other parts of the site. I mean, it's not enough to stop you from going there.

So you're ok with eating at Chik Fil A even if management has donated to anti-LGBT causes?

see comment below

Too late. They made the conscious decision to laissez-faire mod. They allowed this shit to sprout, take root and turn into a fucking vehicle for hatefilled bigotry & misogyny.

Elizabeth Banks' costume really fucking sucks.

It's like Bulk and Skull mated!

This half-assed character design brings to mind Earl of ToeJam and Earl

Related note: Simon Spurrier is an amazing comic writer and fuck Marvel for not giving him more titles.

Just listened to that last night. At least four or five Phife lines that had me going "whoa, cool"

Seems like an affable fellow, but there's nothing on his albums (or mixtapes, more appropriately) that grabs me.


I just broke down and watched the trailer on youtube.

that's right, thank you

This fucking movie gave me nightmares for a week when I was 7.

I can just imagine the Mort Drucker cariacture…

He was aided by the virtual dumpsterfire that Silverman left the network in. Afforded him and a few lucky shows (Hill St Blues) necessary time to build up.

Tinking, never Tonking.