
*has teeth, tries not to get dropped*

Aren't there basic-ass prerequisites to pass in order to post on AV CLUB?

Religiously angsty Kurt or lecherous bamfy Sefton-bedding Kurt?

*treks this up*

aka the piped-in tv ambient at hell's waiting room.

For every necessary piece, like blowing the lid off Berganza, he'll pull shit like this, just pure ridiculous clickbait bullshit.

few people? you might be the ONLY person who liked skinny lobo. :D

I generally like his Uncanny, even if some of it feels a bit undercooked?

Supremely c-list workmanlike creative teams. Not a knock on them, but they're NOT house stars nor are they young hotshots. More fuel to the fire that Marvel will only give cursory promotion/attention/concern to the x-franchise as a standalone vehicle (since they can't shill movie product with it).

It's also commandeered by about three or four idiots that post the same drivel over and over.

tbf, I haven't been duly impressed with any Catwoman interpretation since Pfeifer's run was cancelled.

I remember seeing this and the Ed O'Neill vehicle "Dutch" back at a double bill at our nearest shit mall theater.


"no one is off limits"

For laffs I went to the PSYCHIATRY:DEATH museum on Sunset in Hollywood.

I would say she looked pretty good around the time of this Arsenio Hall Show clip:

or Xenu's goatse'd out godcheeks.

Hello, i'm Shelley Duvall.


nah, it's a 10 year old boy who clearly would rather be anywhere than up on that stage.