
"It is why the Democrats lost."

Fuck yes, I loved Annihilation. I loved DnA's Guardians. But the movie definitely shares its straight ahead, flat, mediocre story with the current ongoing Bendis fiasco.

That its coming from that pompous Hahhvard dickhead Jost is just insult added to injury.

E.Buzz was genuinely good people. One of his last Av Club posts was in response to me (under my former account that I nuked, Pixie Solanas) about Steven Hyden going full Klosterman.

YOLO, son. YOLO.

Looks like a bubble map from the worst message board.

*takes swig of turpentine*

LOL, that's not true. It gets taken out of the estate. And if there's not a solvent estate, guess who gets stuck with it?

Fuck them. I adhere to the Repo Code.

Especially when it was all the same voices from Transformers!

Which is even more amazing than it sounds.

I would say Flash's superlative rogues gallery pushes him a-list.

They were second-tier support for Fantastic Four.

And braised with a nice, rich hollandaise.

If this avatar's ok with it, so am I.

I love the woman screeching right by the camera: "WHY IS SHE STILL HEEEEREEEEE!?"

We eat our moms!

Well, he handled that like a pro.

I'm loving Tom King's sadistic Catwoman in the current Batman arc.

Here's more detail. She's seriously in bad condition. The piece that flew off was the size of a car door and it literally rained down on top of her head.