
Do companies not need incorporating?

I resent this shitshow for making Mitt Romney a preferred option!

Oh honey, we already boycott John Legend.
It's just not worth a hashtag.

The LEGS AKIMBO pose up there will have you questioning that "they didn't humiliate themselves" posit.

I'm a maestro with the wah box.

Cousin Merle's Tumblr?

Yeah, it has to be. Some hackathon project, they just compiled a whitelist.

Well, that's obvious. I don't need some dipshit from MIT telling me that.

I'm at the point where the number's got to be a red herring.

Interesting to note how they could derive a mechanically sourced scoring algorithm from nearly subjective criteria like "fake" or "not fake". specific keywords in the responses? Even still, it would be easy to tip or fraudulently manipulate…

a private, for profit company with a proprietary platform can do whatever the fuck the shareholders/board want them to fucking do.

I used to detest when the syndication schedule would cycle back to season 1. I'd stop watching and then pick up a few weeks later.

You aren't entitled to free speech on a private, for-profit platform.

You're forgiven for skipping the interminable, poorly animated first season on the marathon, people.


The message of hate he was trading under was going to mobilize the idiots no matter what, thanks solely to Facebook.


and Landau, Luckman & Lake!

Fair or not, i'm done with the Old Man Logan schtick. The angst, omg the fucking angst.

I wanted to love the new Micronauts series, but nothing happens in it. It's pretty by the numbers stuff.