
He's shown no propensity to do so. Almighty ad revenues are at stake!

If you're going to (rightfully) nail Reddit and 4Chan as hives of hatespeech, you should be doing the same to Facebook.

Facebook gave these idiots a far-reaching megaplatform where they could coalesce their bullshit into a voting bloc.
And Facebook did nothing but let it happen.

They exist solely so that 50+ year old farts can go to concerts that don't have Dave Sanborn or aren't held at a winery lodge.

Zuckerberg lives a enormously-gilded life far away from normal denizens, his thoughts on the matter have zero weight.


or Mustaine's old man rightwing blathering.

I agree. they were a wretched parody of their past youthful glory.

very true. Rolling Stones, meh.

Then get right into Songs of Love & Hate.

Fuck modern-day Metallica.

Chelsea Hotel, here I come!

Honestly, Claremont's Uncanny. Still the greatest run ever.

Looks fun. Something that the Peter Jackson Kong film wasn't (outside of that one chase scene). That film was just interminable. Ice skating reverie, Naomi Watts as the most dour flapper girl, Jack Black hamming up cheese, Adrien Brody attempting smoldering and failing laughably…

Yes but at least you had a surfeit of amazing stories to counterbalance the mediocre-to-awful output.

Me too. It's like the outre stories, imagination, batshit craziness is all tamped down. Even the "funny", more lighthearted books are just ha ha instead of "WOW, this is HA HA!".

You know, you're right. The writing has really, really, really been dulled down. Even from more quality-writers in the stable like Aaron.

Oooh, i'm about done with romps. "Weirdworld" was a good romp thru magical and it died on the vine.

Nice Portlandia sketch there. heh.

Hey wait…. was that song about masturbation?