
Farts are for the flatulent.

The story needs a helluva lot more nuance and better acting than a Mario Van Peebles movie can provide. The subtitle, "Men of Courage", tells me everything I need to know about this flag-waving piece of shit.

LOL, old ass crag-faced Tom Sizemore has a 9 lb. rompin stomping baby

Zander Schloss, bassist for the Circle Jerks!

Fair enough. I've always found her original schtick as a Stockholm Syndromer to the Joker fine for a b-lister, but certainly not worthy of a megapush. And then they started ladling on the fake Tank Girl act because, hey, it worked elsewhere, right?

There's nothing "postpunk" about an Amanda Palmer outfit.

Well, they kinda were. I mean, except for Estevez.

I think Harley as a character is fantastic and iconic,

I don't know. Was she ever something important? I don't seem to remember that.

Oh, it's a Dollar Tree approximation of the far, far, far superior TG.

Ha ha, already better than Spider Gwen's "garage rawk" shit.

Where else are you going to get that healthy pallor?

I did not and I would not like to.

Hands-on support.

Mmm, generic bromides. Just the tonic for a 5pm friday feelgood.


Jenga can fuck itself.

I'd gladly have a Cheetah book.

He already got a song in his honor.

The Chubbuck video was probably destroyed at the request of the family. And considering the relative dearth of widely-available recording media available at the time, i'd bet there are no existing copies of it, anywhere.