
I hated the silent, long-game of Prometheus & Bob when it first aired, preferring the ADHD slapstick of Action Heroes Now.

You go with the esteemed band of vox criticii that give everything a B grade?

BULLSHIT they don't like each other!

Yes, because nothing says authentic like a sitcom devoted to a wife’s propensity for madcap scheming.

Glad to see Planet Hollywood making a comeback with the rebranding.

What really got me is the description of a door with some faded decals, including a Muppet Movie sticker. Um, image please?

I always liked that defense.

A career built less upon outright homage than shameless aping.

Nice. Fascinating stuff.

No, they'd NEVER do that:

Mmm punk punk punk.

Thank fuck I somehow avoided that whole Lookout-era GD vs. Dookie-era GD civil war. Sounds like Gilman St ran sanguine with the blood of disciples on both sides.

tbf, every metal album released since 1995 probably warrants no more than a C-.

"B" grades for all and sundry!

This line sticks in my craw:

Pitchfork unloaded a 5.1 on this "back to basics" turd and it's warranted.

what, besides shamelessly aping the Clash at every opportunity?

every father had a copy of that album.

The Strokes' "Is This It, a naked buttock is apparently too titillating to the prudish American slobs, so it's replaced with a pretty boring geometric nonsense design.

She's been on a Lifetime show, which i'm sure is some sort of professional purgatory.