
was that before or after the entire episode about her accidentally farting in public?

23rd and Capp.

My soul slides away
But don't look back in anger
Don't look back in anger
I heard you say

I'd rather see more commercials with that gal who extolls the virtues of her car named Brad.

Arnold needed his ass kicked more frequently, if that was the case.

My Electrolux Gabbert crapped out on me. Back to Circuit City you go!

I dont like the Pats and I dont even like football!

what's with the Blue Steel pout?

The worst is this "tech" writer they've hired.

get that unholy creature away from my stat monuments.

reposted youtube comment:

It makes me miss Grantland that much more.

That too. Lord, I hate Medium.

I was in a record club and they sent me Friend and Foe. Heaped on the lavish praise, calling it an indie bedrock.

*takes an enormously self-aggrandizing bow*

OK, i've given it a couple of months. I've tried. The Ringer site fucking sucks.

Hobbling menacer is itchin for a sexual harrassment lawsuit.

Hobbling menacer is itchin for a sexual harrassment lawsuit.

Blaine Gabbert.

Granted, i have been calling for Fallon's firing long before the Trump appearanceā€¦