Mish Mosh

For me, it’s probably the 2000 Jeep Cherokee Sport I had in high school, which I sold once I graduated. The problem with that Cherokee was that I bought it when I was interested in off-road capability more than long distance drivability. As I noted before, my XJ rode on oversized tires, with a lift and roof rack and

that’s called consequences

Figuring out who has achieved peak asshole, between jeep owners and EV owners, would be the debate of a lifetime

RE: your last paragraph, why tf would anyone live in the midwest?

I’m pretty sure those are the next steps in BMW’s road map

Considering where the US ranks among other developed countries, I don’t think there really is one.

I doubt they’d give them to the actors if they weren’t robust enough to mime with

Oh that does sounds pretty convenient

I think that sums up my experience with every Ubisoft game

Doesn’t having a character with special powers that sets the apart from the general population defeat the whole point of the game?

You have missed the point entirely! Congrats

Don’t we already have those?

Guess I’m taking a trip to DC in the future

Just a guess, but maybe the far-right are the people idolizing nazis and wearing their regalia?

Why not just put a clock in the void? They can’t be that expensive and most of them already look like clocks

Dirt would still get kicked up by the wheel in front of it

You talk like you’re from the era the constitution was written

I know that’s not mostly how things are anymore

Besiege with a better demolition model it seems