Mish Mosh

To your first paragraph, yes we should, and yes you can, as long as it’s demilitarized and on rubber treads

The small dick and big truck stereotype exists for a reason, no one is more insecure than a man in an oversized truck

Read the article

Name continues to check out

Fuel injection and power windows. Other than that I can take or leave most things.

We didn’t conquer the french’s native land. It’s not equivocal

Uh it’s literally their name. It doesn’t matter if they’re “playing the victim card”, they’re the only ones with the right to say who can and can’t use it.

HEYYY-OOO aw shit my jeep is leaking again

Okay, tiny dick

Different type of offroading, I should’ve been specific in what I was talking about. I’m out east, and we’ve really only got crawling

I’m pretty sure the vic is the exception to every rule

Definitely should’ve specified crawling, I’m paying the price in all the people telling me what you did lol

Only if you make sure you slap on the 20" rims first

What’s the point in owning an XJ if you’re not gonna abuse it offroad? it’s not like they’re particularly comfortable or nice to drive, speaking from experience.

That’s badass, and I’m sure holds it’s own for what you built it for, but 4wd would still do better

That’s exactly what it should go for

I love XJs probably a more than average amount, but it pains me to think of anyone spending that much on one. I got mine for $1200, and it definitely isn’t in $2,600 worse condition.

You need it if you want to do any proper offroading

Cara Dune minus the racism

Hopefully that kid in the second video makes it out okay. That’s just depressing