Mish Mosh

The crowd, gathering to take photographs of cars doing burnouts and doughnuts”

Nice, one step closer to no more Harleys. Weird that HD is on our side in this though

Trump supporters and Musk fans are the same

Let us know what’s working and what’s not”

You sent me down a wiki wormhole and now I’ve gotta convince my friends to play Cyberpunk Red

That screen costs more than my car

3rd: Not sure I’ve ever been happy to see a chrysler, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Leftover candy corn? What’s that?

Can we IP ban anyone that votes Nice Price?

Mr. Bones I want to get off your wild ride

This is the first open world game I haven’t even considered fast traveling in.

Lucky, I got ticketed for turning onto a main road and getting up to the speed of traffic a couple months ago

Renault Alpine A110!!! I never thought I’d see one in person

Gotta love the gaming community

Surprise! The CUV is once again, the worst of both worlds

They’re not even the same color

Sensible answers? Maybe the staff shake up isn’t so bad...

This person just understood your name.

Regarding your last paragraph, arugula can catch these fucking hands that’s the difference.

Weird, I’ve only ever seen show cars at car shows