Reading this article was a waste of my time. And then commenting on this article wasted even more of my time.
Reading this article was a waste of my time. And then commenting on this article wasted even more of my time.
Don’t care. It started out interesting but then became a trainwreck.
This show is crappity, crap, crap, crap.
The finale was crap. The season was crappy. The writers and producers are full of crap. Not since the invention of outhouses has crap risen so high.
When Skynet takes over, the humans will be fired, again.
Visual effects were wonderful. Story made no sense. And that’s why it didn’t win best picture: bad writing.
We’re going to need a lot more rehab centers when containers of beer or wine can reorder themselves.
I’m seeing stores close in my city because many people don’t want to go out of their homes to shop. They don’t want to get bundled up, drive down to the store, shop, check out, transport their new stuff back to their home, and unload the car when they get home. Gas prices, car prices, and icy roads also discourage…
The robots that were replaced are now sitting home collecting unemployment, developing pot bellies, and drinking diesel (their version of beer).
If we’re not all dead, a robot economy will enable us to explore outer space on a scale we’ve only imagined.