
Worst for me? My mom's car when I was in high school. Does the car matter? Not really. (it was a 93 sentra 4 door if you must know).

How ironic - "Express Snow Detour"

How soon we all forget. Ugly logo, uglier car.

By my calculations of this totally realistic segment, 17.5 ET.

Way better than towels!

1-1/2 Ton Compact Aluminum Racing Jack - $69.99 with Coupon

Wish more women had that kind of restraint in situations like that. My GF does not. She freaks at the littlest movement of the cars next to us.

This is not Bacon. When you try real bacon, you will wonder to yourself "what have I been eating all my life?". You will question all that you thought you loved about bacon. Then you will have regretted raising the bacon bar so high that no store bought brand will satiate your bacon needs.

I only said it intrigued me. I really shouldn't care about a car in that class. Not planning to buy it, but it would be nice to have a sporty car that won't have me worried about parking anywhere - like I always was with the F.

Terrible choice of fonts and, (for you typographers out there) that Y needs kerning.

HAHA. You might fix it's proportions by stomping on it.

Agree on #1. I bought a 2002 WRX when I was oh, 24. Modded the hell out of it, but tastefully - no big wing and not "stanced". Then I went and got an Evo IX when I was 29. Proceeded to pull that wing off and just mod the engine. At about 32, I got tired of both, and sold what I considered were my "childish things".

If it couldn't get any worse - The straight-on front view shows how much more ugly it is.

Agreed. This price is Syncro + Suby motor territory.

Likely. I hated that "Auto LSD" when I owned my F. Other than that, I thought it was a great car.

Could we get a Bonus Round of The Rudest thing People do - Before and After Boarding the Plane?

Do some Recon.

Here's a fine example of where a roundabout is not needed. I think the project was a complete waste of money (in the millions of $). All they needed to do was add 2 stop signs (if anything). It was fine the way they had for 30 years. But someone had issue with that intersection.

When I was growing up in Hawaii we had centipedes. Either under a rock or potted plant or found dead in the yard - because the cats enjoyed tapping their heads until it killed them. I always admired and feared them. Hawaiian centipedes deliver a bite no more powerful than a bee sting. Thankfully, because I've been

It's great that the entire episode is on Youtube. I still have the VHS in some box at my mom's. haha. Hope you enjoy it.