sweet Enkeis
sweet Enkeis
They look like they are straight outta GTA V
This is by far the most attractive picture of the 918 yet. I'd tap that
Chillin Dad, just chillin
Sup son?
I'll take the XJ220 thank you very much
Also before buliding up the engines, they first pissed on the block... can't remember why though
well i don't like it too much actually, but i don't live too far from it :D
Hungaroring hello!
That Lambo got seriously Kinja'd
K The Jalopnik March Madness Beat-Off Final! 6,190g21 O Raphael OrloveProfileFollowUnfollow O Raphael Orlove Filed to: Beaters March Madness Beat Off March Madness 4/01/14 12:20pm Today 12:20pm eEdit aDelete iInvite BPromote XDismiss XUndismiss bBlock for Jalopnik bHide EShare to Kinja jShare to Facebook iShare to…
I don't care, Gosling is awesome
Is this a KIA or what?
aww yiss
damn you farted?
Mass Effect has got you covered NASA
seriously though, i would lose this wing
- Société Générale is a French bank, not Oprah. There are no words for "YOU GET A CAR! YOU GET A CAR! EVERYBODY GETS A CAR!" in French. Those words just don't exist. They say "voiture," instead.