
OK, you need a column.  

It’s that same vibe of the dude who hurts you, and then immediately turns it around about how sorry he is and what an awful person he is, so that you’re supposed to end up comforting him instead.

With a side of Alicia Vikander.

Gizmodo has lower editorial standards than Wikipedia.

I hope you wage a similar campaign against “honing in” on something.

Brad certainly has a type. She looks more than a little like a young Angelina. 

Exactly. Those who were themselves painted as the disruptive PC culture agitators back in the day are now too bloated on their own complacency to recognize when the discourse has moved past them.

This Is Patriotism

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have

I'll give that a shot. Meanwhile I have dead witch everywhere.

If for no other reason than etymology is genuinely interesting in a lot of cases! It’s like a tiny cultural time capsule.

How did you stop being a horse person? Kill the witch and shatter the enchanted amulet?

The fun part of an evolving, non-prescriptive language is eggcorns are only wrong until they’re not any more. Which is how we end up with words like bridegroom (originally brydguma), hangnail (originally agnail) and phrases like to curry favour (originally curry Favel, a reference to something up your alley: a 14th

Came here for this. Thanks.

Despite being cancelled and having their voices silenced by the radical Left these Conservatives really do seem incapable of shutting the fuck up.

Isn’t Budweiser also trying to get us to embrace modernity with a line of hard seltzers?

Lol, the housewives premise was never actually true. For instance, none of the NYC women are married. There have definitely been successful businesswomen, academics, lawyers, actors on the show before. In NYC, it would not be difficult to find women who actually contribute something to society. 

The hipster fascist prefers Michelob Ultra.

TIL.Thank you.

The response to that tweet is a little overblown — Budweiser’s just tired of everyone describing 2020 as “Kafkaesque” when clearly, we’re all living in a Hieronymus Bosch triptych.

I hardly see how giving the Spirit of Ecstacy BELL BOTTOMS will modernize their image.