Milkman of Human Kindness

Truth. Attacking a writer based on gender is wrong and shameful. Nate Peterman’s mom should have known better before writing those emails.

Let’s not forget the egregious use of ”cooch.”

Important question:

Fancy name for tap water perhaps?

Oh God yes. As a Cowboys fan (yeah yeah) the fucking Patriots have made me root for the Eagles and the Giants (twice.) If there wasn’t enough reason to hate them already...

It turns out this guy was, among other things, expensing his Cowboys season tickets to the US government, and had been doing so for three years.

Remember when not being able to spell “potato” seemed like the most embarrassing thing a President could do? Ah the bad old days....

There was an equally toothless rally here in Toronto on the weekend. An “anti-Muslim” group from out West (WCAI) tried to organize a rally and then bailed. A few locals showed up but were vastly outnumbered by counter-protesters.

Need to work “thoroughbred” in there.

Too bad they missed out on Matt Flynn. :(

How did this monstrosity escape mention?

False! Not even close as Jimmy would need to be cheating on a wife who recently gave birth to qualify.


No Sir, I do not....

How did they know he was tall since he was sitting in the car?

Lots of people are illogically protective of their fandoms because they can’t define themselves by any other means. There is a need to legitimize it and differentiate themselves from band wagoners or posers, hence “I liked them before they were popular”, “She’s a fake fan.” etc. 

I mean, she is the Cooking GOAT after all.

Truly, shining examples of the “master” race.

Caps win the Stanley Cup.

If you need anymore evidence of the end times Rob Ford’s older brother Doug became the Premier of Ontario last night in a very Trumpian manner. :(

Enjoyable but not ENOUGH ALL CAPS.