
Jesus needs to come down and breathe on this guy’s neighbors.


Along with the obligatory....

Semantics. But yes, I can see how my statement makes me look like a McLaren fan boy. Ironically, I am not. Like... at all. I respect McLaren greatly for the cars they make, but I would likely never buy one, even if money was no object for me.

So once you look at it, the acquisition of McLaren, an established, affordable (for Apple), automotive company that already has advanced electronics, sensors, AND electric motor capability, makes a lot of sense... on paper.

You mean like earlier OBDII BMW’s? Maybe they should partner up... “Team Arrogance”

At least it’s a manual. :P

If only...

I agree killing off O’Conner’s Character respectfully would have been tricky at best. So I don’t really have an answer for that and the send off they did end up going with worked very well. I was just pointing out that it would be easier for the remaining actors to negotiate their roles in subsequent movies if their

The only way this would ever be acceptable is using old stock footage during a heart felt flash back scene. Which I am ok with... even if they CGI it up to add some more content. But in order for it to be respectful, it really needs to be a flashback.

Anyone have a link to the “bleeped” version? For scholastic comparison, of course.

I do not think “propaganda” means what you think it means.

I can relate...

Ah the XRS...

Oh man, that’s rough. I wish you the best of luck.

In the late 90's/early 2000's, Honda was killing it with their N/A 200ish HP cars. The GSR/Type R Integras, 97+ Preludes, and RSX Type S’s were all amazingly fun to drive, the RSX being the pinnacle of that breed.

I don’t know what it is about this car, but it will have a place in history as one of Honda’s most interesting cars.

About 4 years ago, for some idiotic reason, I convinced myself it was time to look for my dream car. First some back story:

Yes. The bill failed on 6/1/2016 in a dead tie of 18-18. That same day, Senator Gaines motioned for a reconsider, that passed unanimously. The bill was then moved to “Inactive File” the next day at the request of the author. You can view it’s full status here.