
Fuck. No. Just give me some knobs.

Reverse: Remember When People Drove Saabs?

Everyone should drive an original Beetle, in all their low horsepower glory, It is truly an automotive experience.

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Really Tyler? Really? An article about bridge layers that doesn't include this?

Lifetime warranty. If it breaks we have to kill you.

last Gen Celica is one of the last good looking Toyota Coupes... every time I see one with the action package body kit it takes me back to being 12 and watching the original Fast & Furious... good times..... I need NOS

Lol. My GTO (late-model) forum has a multiple-hundred-page thread called FPFQ, i.e., the 'Falling price = falling quality of forum membership' now that the GTO has started depreciating a lot.

Sitting in my parent's garage waiting for me to come back from AUS to NZ to love it again.

I live my franchise a quarter century at a time. For those ten movies or less, I'm free.