
Are you actually retarded? Why would I purchase the book when I don't read Japanese? Buying something you can't read because it's in a different language isn't being a fan, that's being a fanBOY. Big difference.

Not to mention a commercial that was cringe-worthy and then removed from the air due to a complaint about off-tv play.

Calling me stupid when not realizing the Japanese version has been out for months? Well played.

I'll take being ignorant alongside getting my fill of Zelda until the official HH release.

Thank you for being the first person to make the currency rate argument. I was wondering when someone would be hilarious enough to do so.

Laughed. Hard.

Boss encounter.

My sides.

It's only going back up to full price, of £3.39 I think it was, after 30 days. You pick it up within these current 30 days, then it's yours to keep for 30p, ergo you've paid 30p for the full game which was released 30 years ago in this country AS-IS.

It IS, however, the only game on the WII U VC that runs in 50hz, because it's currently the only Wii U VC game.

I'm in Pal territory, and yes I have. It's a 30 year old NES game, which cost 30p. It's not worth complaining about as far as I'm concerned.

Uh, no. The only reason you pay more/discounted is so you don't have to access them through the Wii Menu option. The enhancement is that it works with off-tv play. That's all.

Forgive me if I choose Option 3: Apathy. The game cost 30p. To complain about a game you purchased at 30p, running at the same speed in your country as it did when it was actually released in your country is fucking hilarious.

The great thing about morality is, it's subjective. So let people who think it's somehow abhorrent to want something so badly you're willing to see a translation project months in advance. I'd be willing to bet that most of these moral soldiers are the very same people with copies of Mother fan translations downloaded

He may be a 'morally retarded brat', but I doubt he cares too much when he's enjoying his Hyrule Historia a lengthy period before you and your moral superiority.

This logic is as retarded as thinking you're forced to purchase, for example, a Wii U on the Gray Market for a retarded mark up, just because it's not obtainable anywhere else.

Well played.

Pretty confident the tablet will utilize the 'scanner', much like ZombiU. Given that you use it in a similar way on the 3DS version.

Ignoring the obvious source of grievance for even huge fans of Valve - The lack of news about Half Life 3 that Valve has turned into a troll of sorts. One example of them not hitting every nail on the head, but they offset that by doing several things right in place of every 1 thing to be annoyed with.

Ah, Apple Advocate then. Why don't you actually take a look at Steve Jobs and his actual personality; rather than his apple propaganda. Anyone who worked with or knew him could confirm him as a top notch asshole of cataclysmic proportions. People hated him because he was a dickhead. Gabe Newell is laid back, generous