
I actually missed the UK's Twitter; saying it was at 3PM local, going on to the Nintendo website showed it was actually at 2PM so I relied on Kotaku to get most of the information at the time.

Still not that great that you're comparing modern America with Victorian England. :P

Thanks man!

Don't employ grammar if you're shite at using it. Just leave it all out.

I don't think you have ever met or seen anyone who actually lives in Ireland before. Saying Fuck often is not a correlate to maturity.

You mean a game featuring a country that is essentially an open battleground between militants and US/UK forces has been banned for containing scenes involving specific areas of the country known to be areas of conflict?

My original reply actually brought up the DS, but I deleted what I was typing when it occurred to me that perhaps what you you meant was that the Vita was 'designed to be able to be used as a touch-screen controller from day one'; which the DS was not.

Ah I see. Apologies then, I've misunderstood.

Wrong. A fanboy is someone who shows blind allegiance to their console of choice. I own all three, therefore I chose all three. Therefore my allegiance is neither blind, nor an allegiance.

I post an opinion, you dense motherfucker.

I love this series. Everything about it.

Illegally? Nah bro, it's all good. Just fucking move here. We love Merikuns here. Especially in Ireland/Northern Ireland (where I'm from).

Honestly, this is just hilarious to me. Thanks for sharing your insightful and helpful ideas and factoids with my opinion. In particular the one about a business class. Were I not a Psychologist with zero interest in Business Studies, I am sure that taking such a class - focused on learning about Business Knowledge -

I hope so. Looking forward to some interesting news from that. Zelda/MarioKart/Mario announcements are usually made via E3; so a 3DS-focused N-Direct could, in theory, surprise us with news of a Majora's Mask 3DS version outside of the E3 timeslot.

Troll harder, fuck knuckle.

I'll concede that I totally forgot about the Eye Toy (like everyone else, to be honest). That would explain why the Wii U Pro Controller is an XBOX360 Pad with Nintendo's buttons as opposed to a DualShock/Sixaxis shape with Nintendo's buttons.

Oh yeah?! W-W-Well you're a... dildofart!!!!!

Damn. I'll check the full video upload to see if it's mentioned in the English version. If not I'll just set my phasers to 'disappoint' again.

Replying to the stupidity of the response: When has Nintendo ever 'borrowed ideas' from Sony or Microsoft - other than as a retaliation for the blatantly 'borrowed creativity' on the parts of S & M?

Yes, the thread material motif was what I was getting at.