
Since lateral thinking appears to be difficult for you, I'll elaborate:

I actually missed the Nintendo Direct (thanks to Nintendo UK's Facebook saying it was 3PM without adding that it was 3PM African time and 2PM GMT; like the Nintendo UK website did >_>) until the last few moments, so most of my news came from Kotaku.

You obviously didn't understand what I wrote. I made zero reference to LBP being a rip off. My opinion was the polar opposite: that Yoshi seems to be borrowing from LBP.

I only caught the end of it because I stupidly believed it was at 3PM GMT thanks to NintendoUK's Facebook posting the image showing "3PM". Whereas going to Nintendo's UK website shows it was at 2PM GMT, and 3PM in African time. >_>

And the GBA did that before the Vita was even a pipe dream.

Whilst I agree with your Resident Evil Example, that's due to the series' roots being in survival horror. The newer games - with the exception of the brilliant Revelations - are all just 'action horror' - with liberal application of the word Horror. Again with the exception of Revelations, the games haven't been

I didn't play Epic Yarn, but that's not what I said. Just because it's made by the creators of Kirby's Epic Yarn doesn't mean it'll be a sequel to it. Though admittedly turning Epic Yarn into a Nintendo IP sounds pretty cool. "Link's Epic Yarn" and more.

Looks awesome. But also sort of like a "Fuck You" to Sony for all the ripping off. Not to mention if the rumours of PS4 using a tablet screen controller are true; it seems like Nintendo's version of LittleBigPlanet.

Tell that to Captain Falcon's Twister Race.

Was The Rock Bottom, or did he Top? #puns

If I had to guess, I'd say The ROCK came over you? /gayjokes



That seems to suggest the 3DS Miiverse isn't far behind... neat!

Come on Nintendo Europe. I know NoA is afraid of getting sued due to the sue-happy culture, but we're not like that in the UK. C'mon guise!



This looks like something 4chan would make to troll people. Deliberately shitty.

Personally, I saw Kirlia from Pokémon. Though that's because I don't know who Madoka is and haven't seen Phantom Pain.

Read the previous article. He said they tried to market it as a survival horror from their marketing.