
The most fundamental of all survival tips is what I like to term 'door-funnelling'. When facing a horde, get behind any door you can. When the door is broken through, snap-aim (if aim assist is enabled) with your pistol and fire once at the head; then immediately close the door again. If they're close to getting

My 2 weeks ban expired last night (for replacing the word 'shit' with symbols). I'm going to be dedicating the rest of time helping out folks on the American community of ZombiU with tips and tricks. I'd say I've pretty much mastered the game, given that I've completed survival mode 4 times, and beaten Normal mode 3x

Oh America, stay classy.

10/10 for full retard here:

When did I say I was a liberal, you fucking mongoloid?

So I noticed regarding the hilarious Piers Morgan v Alex Jones 'interview'.

Troll definition: "One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument"

As long as this post was, I actually appreciate you taking the time to type it out. Filled in a lot of queries I had about the way News is reported by stations over there. Guess it literally is as bad as it seems.

That's why it's so funny. The people who believe Fox News deserve to be trolled.

I'm not in America, but I was pretty sure Biden wasn't trying to ban games, too.

Except that the red meat they're throwing is part of a social experiment which they fell into hook, line, sinker, rod and copy of "Angling Times".

That's the point of the troll: show just how inept both parties are. Fox and that pompous cunt Hannity used this as an excuse to bash Obama, and bring on some female retard from TownHall with equally ignorant and retarded views. The fact they did no research at all into this - and are unaware they were trolled - just

Except it's not a game. It's an interactive troll designed to point out how retarded the Republican argument is: Just look at the Fox report. They used it to blame Obama, and bring up redundant points about Obama exploiting kids.

Successfully trolled the entire right wing media. Well done guys.

EDIT: Nevermind.

PROTIP: The teaser url itself is "/ff_atb/" - ATB = All The Bravest.

I gave you a genuine source to use. Let's leave bias and and ulterior motives to ignorant Americans and Fox News.

Not quite, because it's still wrong.

Uh... if you have HD rendering it's obviously going to be bigger. Similar to how Skyrim and Crysis 2 released the HD texture packs.

"are we to believe that games do not have any effect on a person at all?"