
So, let me guess this straight: You've read studies showing playing chess improves lateral thinking, but ignore all the studies done showing there is no causal link between violent behaviour and video games? I'll even give you the name of the most prolific researcher in the field: Chris Ferguson. Read some of his

You're completely wrong, and if you looked into anything at all regarding Chris Ferguson and his research - on precisely this topic - you'd realize that.

They're saying it's wrong. She's asking 'is it wrong to find animated characters hot?', so replying with 'Yeah!' would mean... yeah it's wrong.

The question is, SHOULD a video game prevent violence? I don't think so. Most people play video games for a form of escapism from life's stresses. The job of a video game is to provide entertainment. Not to school you in moral code and what's right and wrong.

Wind Waker says hello.

Let's see how long it takes for the first of many dumbfucks to not read the article and just comment with 'wii u sux lel'.

BRB applying Aloe Vera lotion to burn.

You misunderstood. My point was the exact opposite.

Why do you keep giving this nobody free press? Nobody gives a fraction of a shit about this deluded fool anymore. The only reason he still shows up on anyone's radar is for nostalgia purposes.

And yet, your opinion is as worthless as the space you aired it in.

10/10, would giggle again.

Not quite. Royal Mail have a number of measures in place, here in the UK, to prevent such things from happening. It absolutely does not happen here.

The idea that a country's national postal service could show favouritism in mail sorting is retarded. Anything worth exploiting for money will be exploited for money in the states I guess.

What a fucking loser.

What a fucking loser.

What a fucking loser.

What a fucking loser.

What a fucking loser.

Xerneas is also a play on XNA, which is synthetic DNA capable of evolving due to Natural Selection. Given that its horns look like chromosomes (certainly more chromosome than neuron), this fits with the whole theme of evolution in Pokemon.

Xerneas is also a play on XNA, which is synthetic DNA capable of evolving due to Natural Selection. Given that its horns look like chromosomes (certainly more chromosome than neuron), this fits with the whole theme of evolution in Pokemon.