
Jalopnik reports on manufacturer sales figures quite often - up, down, steady, whatever. If you don’t like reading news about car companies, you’re probably on the wrong website.

Sales weren’t in the toilet for Porsche. 2020 Porsche sales were only down 7% over 2019 and were still higher than 2018.

Sure the chassis is shared, but nothing after ‘93 is called a Fox Body. Also, a Mustang is the antithesis of “hidden sleeper potential.”

500 HP in my daily is enough for me.

Of what? Violent illegal immigrants? Or staunch Republicans employing illegal immigrants?

this needs a 6.6 Duramax and Allison 1000 or a cummins.

At 21 feet long and 7 feet tall, it would be able to fit into many garages.

Yes, and these Republican farm owners hire undocumented labor that murders people. Very moral and upstanding of them.

No. The transmission is scalable, it’s on the datasheet.

Sure, I’ve seen reviewers say it’s not as good as the Defender (a unibody vehicle with IFS and IRS...), which is as close to a valid comparison as you can make. Complaining that it’s “not a sports car” undermines the massive benefit realized from the “compromise” that Tracy can’t. stop. talking. about. It’s

though I kept feeling like David was giving praise through gritted teeth at times.



Well done with the trophy! John’s car is an absolutely incredible build. For those of you that like build threads, I highly recommend his:

Hyper-rare? No thanks.

No mention of the Mach-E? Its cheapest AWD form is $45k so it’s no cheaper than the VW but surely it should be on the list?

The guy down at the docks will give you three grand for that trunkload of converters. He tosses them in his shipping container and across the ocean it goes.

Ford’s approach to electrification (beginning with a hybrid Ford Maverick)

Kicking into sixth is like putting this thing into overdrive. It’s supremely comfortable.

$25.5 for my doubters in the grays that I can’t respond to because Kinja is broken.