
It reminded me of the couple that bought a Marauder and plastic wrapped it only to find out that it’s not worth much of anything at sale time.

No, he said that buying this truck at $100k would be cheaper than buying an old truck and restoring it to original. That’s not true.

The F-250 series started at around $6,000 in 1980. Run that through an inflation calculator and it comes out to about $20,100 in late 2020 money.

And, likely cheaper than buying an old truck and making it new.

Totally! But if you’re halfway to passed out and surrounded by coworkers 20 years your elder suggesting you go get checked out, that’s a difficult place to be in.

If you live where it snows, open beds often end up filling with snow that turns to ice and stays in the bed for months

and the “front locking trunk” where the engine used to be will be a bonus for truck buyers.

There should be some level of preventive measures to ensure parts are not missing, like marking bolts after installation/torque.


This happened to us. Wife was feeling faint at work, co-worker called an ambulance after wife specifically asked her not to. Ambulance took her to the hospital, she’s just fine and she finally got a hold of a friend to pick her up.

My only complaint with SYNC3 in my wife’s car is that there is significant lag between pressing the steering wheel volume buttons and the system responding by changing the volume. I’ll click it down a few notches to hear what my wife is saying, and there’s a lag of a second or two before the volume actually goes down.

That 394-foot stretch of Power Road costs €250,000 (about $303,000) more than a regular road. A single mile could cost millions more than a conventional road.

and claim to be looking for companies they can improve and grow over the long term

I assume there’s no way it’s legal and that it’s a Knight Rider reference to get people riled up. Clearly it’s working.

Michael Knit

I think riding a motorcycle made me a better driver. Being invisible to other cars and being totally free of any phone or music distractions helps teach you to predict what other cars are going to do before they change lanes or pull out or do something stupid.

I appreciate that they fix their problems before trying to push new features on consumers

The same reason athletes and coaches shouldn’t bet on their own team. They have the ability to influence the outcome, including when they do bet on themselves and when they don’t. It calls into question his ability to remain 100% impartial, which is what you want from an ethical standpoint.

And the double whammy is that in the case where potrait is advantageous - like when you’re close up and trying to see something on the ground and the sky at the same time - the video was cropped so that we see neither the truck nor the helicopter. So thanks for that one, cameraman.

We have to get approved to be allowed to take pictures. And any pictures being sent to anyone outside of the organization have to be individually reviewed and approved by management. It’s a bummer cause there’s some cool stuff I do that I’d like to send to friends but can’t.