Michael Caffee

Sounds like it'll be playing to his strengths. I've always said the character of Vito Corleone could be improved if he just did more high-pitched mumbling.

But he did such a good job adapting Superma—hahaha! Sorry, I couldn't keep a straight face.

HBO isn't locked in here with you. You're locked in here with HBO!

Haha, fair enough. All kidding aside, Cronenberg is one of my favorite directors. A History of Violence, Eastern Promises, and The Fly are three of my favorite films of all time. He is incredible. But I'm sorry, I just didn't "get" Cosmopolis, for lack of a better word. I've talked to a lot of people who actually side

I've always wanted to see Casey Affleck play some high-powered crime lord, if only to hear how his voice would sound when he wanted to be imposing.

Just rewatched Chopper the other night. Holy shit, that is an incredible crime drama.

There's a character in Eastern Promises named Semyon too. Just a coincidence?!

You watched Cosmopolis every night for three weeks? Did you lose a bet?

"Yeah Cronenberg Nic, but you know I'm gonna miss Cronenberg world, because everyone was Cronenberged all along."

I don't blame Mr. Cronenberg for not wanting to be involved with anything overly-serious and incomprehensible. He had enough of that with Cosmopolis.

Hated Lunch

The "prolapsed urethra" subgenre of body horror has not been worked with enough.

Will they find el hada azul? You'll have to watch to find out!

Noir on command is awfully convenient.

Fair enough.

So many great quotes, but one of my favorites:

"What are you? A cop, or just another pretty face?"

Hahaha. Seriously though, it IS some great art! Love the whole style. It's not like the 80s didn't give us some great stuff. Have these naysayers even SEEN the "Sledgehammer" video?

I love the art direction, and the cast is just top notch. Some of the jokes can be hit-or-miss, but overall I've really enjoyed it. Don't really understand some of the extremely negative reviews it's gotten, but hey, they're all just king dicks of the ass forest.

"Typical Dazzle! When he's in charge, a stakeout becomes a MI-stakeout.