Michael Caffee

To be fair, Jason Bateman playing a gritty, hard-nosed redneck would make anyone laugh.

If it's successful, you're gonna get some spin-ons…I mean, spin-offs.

I'll definitely take a look. Over the past few years, Ben's become one of my favorite actors working today. I live in the U.S., and I've seen pretty much every American production he's been in, as well as the relatively recent international ones like "Starred Up" and "Animal Kingdom." (He is just chilling in it.) In

Just watched the trailer for "The Big Steal" (which, as the huge Mendelsohn fan I am, I'm ashamed to say that I've never seen). It's pretty hilarious: https://www.youtube.com/wat…. I mean, it lays out the characters and basic plot of the film in a decent way, but I can't get past the voice-over guy's upward inflection

You could make a featurette just out of the "I WILL FIND HIM!" screams.

I watched "Man of Steel" the other day just for him. That's two hours I wish I had back.

Cool guy, great actor. Been in a lot of good things recently. Was just nominated for an Emmy. Going to be in one of the upcoming Star Wars movies.

"Rad Cunningham! The kid who doesn't wipe properly at the slumber party of life."

I just watched it. I love how, through the trailer, it turns into about five different movies. At the forty second mark, it manages to turn into a COMPLETELY different film. A story about Iowa farming and the modern agricultural industry? Fuck that, give us fast cars and some hot chicks in pink panties! Yessir! And

Zac Efron and Dennis Quaid? And corn too? I'm looking this one up right now.

It seems to have gotten pretty decent reviews from other outlets. This may just be AVC doing its occasional "this good thing sucks/this sucky thing is good" type of thing. I'd still like to see it.

"No ma'am…it's an e-cig."

I thought he preferred enchiladas.

Just want to say, thanks for Ben Mendelsohn!

Some audiences like the green, some like the inferno. You can't please everyone in this business.

Showing that indigenous tribe "Cannibal Holocaust" was bad enough, but then they followed it up with "Paul Blart 2." They got about halfway through before a UN peacekeeping force was finally called in.

It…it's called…it's just called Two Property Brothers!

I'm assuming she has one, since nowadays pretty much everyone in the entertainment world does. Though it wouldn't surprise me if she doesn't, since she's said and done some pretty stupid things the past couple years.

Yeah, whenever this stuff happens in the entertainment world you basically have two options: come forward and apologize, or become a total misanthrope and withdraw from the public eye. And she can't afford the second option. But we'll see what happens—this has all been unexpectedly entertaining.

I actually disagree. There were apparently a few witnesses who said that she spat on and clawed at that French man when he put his hand out. And even if that wasn't the case, she was caught on video needlessly uttering a gay slur. It doesn't matter if you're black, white, male, female, etc. You just can't say that,