
If Venus were where Mars is today it would be a cooler dead planet still due to the planets lack of magnetic field. It doesn’t rotate fast enough on its own axis taking 243 Earth days compared to our 24 hours.

Tha fuck.... This was from family guy? Which season and episode?

Ebola flavored chicken.

Why not Nougat?

I bet one his pickup line is, If I can amaze you with these balls you have to go on a date with me.

“It’s so moist, I’m covered in it.” My thoughts weren’t of watermelon 😈

Nice to see someone with my thoughts. I never regretted my X1 purchase but I’m glad I hesitated on getting a PS4. If a more powerful PS4 does come out with the leaked specs I’ll def buy one. I doubt Microsoft is making an actual more powerful X1 rather than just a slim. Nintendo said NX won’t be at E3 this year

Nice to see someone with my thoughts. I never regretted my X1 purchase but I’m glad I hesitated on getting a PS4. If

Now tell me how the atm’s that allow you to deposit cash, checks or money orders work while still allowing you to withdraw cash. How do they tell the difference between authentic and fake money orders and checks from so many different companies or branches?

I don’t own a PS4 as the graphical prowess wasn’t that far ahead of my X1. I always wanted one for exclusives only but if this PS4 actually comes out with these specs I’ll buy in a heartbeat and use exclusively for third party and first party while my X1 becomes a media box and first party only device.

They put Prime video at a lower price than Netflix because they have way less content, even less than Hulu. Also how is a one time $99 fee for all services including two day shipping, prime video and music daunting? Broken down if you subscribe to both that’s $240 a year. Also one can assume if you use Prime video you

No need to get out the way honestly. Matter doesn’t get destroyed when galaxies collide and eventually merge. It’s a slow dance (process) anyway. Our two galaxies will go back and forth between each other a few times with both spiral shapes becoming very distorted until gravity pulls matter into a familiar looking

The fact that it orbits our galaxy as well as a few others it won’t hit us. Andromeda however is headed directly towards and doesn’t plan on slowing down to enter galactic orbit.

That landing attempt came in way to fast that’s why.

If you call the cable company and tell them you’ll be canceling your Internet service because of the price hike they’ll opt you back in for the $50 one year price. Though Internet in Bx NY is only $55 regardless on optimum.

It’ll be more than 6 months behind in Apple CPU terms. The A9X is in the original iPad Pro and new smaller Pro which is more powerful than the A9. The A10 is up next with iPhone 7. Apple really needs to revamp their product release cycles. With current release models the IPad Pro the larger 12.3 inch model will be

I didn’t state it was spelling errors though sir. I’m talking about simple things like to and too your and you’re. Good of you to comment assuming you knew what I was referring to. I don’t dislike your comment but you’ve proven this study right.

Penis shaped for aerodynamics to penetrate the thick atmosphere that it must thrust through at great speed.

I’m glad that the study confirmed what I already knew. I post comments using the mobile YouTube app. Once posted there is no way to edit. I also only use swype because typing one letter at time is ridiculous. The amount of trolls that come back with arrogant corrections are very annoying.

No accurate color depiction allowed. Colors must be muted and dulled and the contrast bumped up. I wish they leave the original colors as option in the BluRay release.

Any news on how safe Gawker media websites will be from being shut down after that court ruling?