
Lol another nail in the coffin for HTC and your debate. One Plus X announced for only $250. Guess what it’s in your alley for screen size Sir and build quality isn’t an issue nor Camera quality. Everyone has their own preference for phones. I’m also nearly 30 years old watch anime and play games. These things don’t

Bigger Screen doesn’t always mean much larger phone. It’s nearly 2016. 5.7 inch Motorola compared to 5.0 inch display HTC. GPU is crap in the HTC by the way.

Lol go look at the reviews Sir. These are not iPhones with only a dual core yet out preform other phones in it’s class. Simply said the phone is sub par period. Its specs and battery hold it back from being a flagship. I have my LG G2 still and waited on all OEM’s to release their respective devices. Then waited on

The Nexus 6P will have better battery life not just Because of the higher capacity but also because of the AMOLED screen. Screen size is a subjective debate. I prefer 5.5-5.7 and even at $400 it was still overpriced. SD 808 is becoming the go to for mid ranged devices. Many devices with SD 808 start at $400. This

Sense UI isn’t an issue. This is an android phone which you can download your favorite launcher. Even Google has a launcher you can download for non Nexus phones. The issue is the price for midrange specs. $400-$500 is ridiculous to ask consumers to buy at that price.

I thought it was overpriced at $400. Did they not research all the phones at that price point and below that were debut from other companies? To raise the price to $500 you can get the Nexus 6P for the same price with much better specs, bigger screen and battery. HTC is a sinking ship and will be the next BlackBerry.

Wolves periodically attack a weak member of their own pack to teach lessons that rarely result in death. Once you submit with your head down and tail tucked it usually results in the pack backing down. Lowering the head and tucking the tail is a sign of submission in the canine family and is frequently exhibited in

Where is the test being conducted?

Really crappy move by Google in my opinion. Grantland was a staple on YouTube and kept me coming back for Jalen & Jacoby podcast. Was looking forward to watching their western conference predictions later on having watched the eastern one a few days ago. ESPN player it is. Lets hope I can listen on mobile like I did

The animated cartoons of today are just meh. I watch way more anime today then I did as a kid. Superman, Batman, Justice Leauge, X-Men. Toonami even rebooted Johnny Quest and even the opening to that’s amazing with the show just disappearing after a season or 2. I used to love American animated cartoons.

Damn what’s with the inconsistent looking shirts?

Your brain saw the headline photo. At night alone in a dark park, this is what you see speeding down the path

My Reliance on my motorized wheelchair doesn’t agree with your smaller spaces idea let alone shared spaces with random people. I already do that with PCA.

I remember a 50+ degree Fahrenheit New Year’s Eve myself. Only a hoodie needed.

Lubricate those faults.

Lake effect snow storms can he brutal.

It’s not like NASA doesn’t want to set out for greater accomplishments. They just need the funding that they’re lacking since the space race era.

I had the clear gameboy color and clear Xbox as well. I’m sure my 90’s childhood had more but I can’t remember at this point.

If I had to worry about prehistoric nocturnal beast lurking in the darkness I’d stay awake until I couldn’t keep Me rites open too. Then the fear of other unknowns or sources of things like lightning and thunder. They might not have had modern day distractions but prehistoric distractions had to be more brutal to the