
Something nostalgic about clear electronics.

Great design and proof of concept. This wouldn’t work in every city though. This lane is similar to the bus lane here in N.Y. without the added curbs. Even then the bus lanes out here get occupied by trucks that are loading or unloading materials. Or other vehicles that are simply in the way double parked.

Wasn’t what I expected from the title. 😒

Hello Martians. Look at Curiosity now look at Curiosity’s shadow, now look at Curiosity taking a selfie of itself.

I said we as on parents or adults. Just because Kids put things in their mouth which isn’t much of a news flash means Nothing. It’s not encouraged or taught by parents that it’s okay yup eat insects. Honestly eating any ol insect you across isn’t good to eat though a good immune system will help. Bugs carry

I’m being very general. Nothing specific in my statement. It is true for certain insects. Most people think butterflies butterflies and lady bugs are cute there are people even afraid of those. I dislike roaches and flies and mosquitoes. Spiders and centipedes get a pass in my house from most my family. While some

Because and I’m only talking as a person from the U.S. that from a young age we are taught to kill and be disgusted buy insects. As we get older we associate them with dirt, bacteria and diseases.

I’m on Sprint too and always we don’t get phone support I had hoped for. First the One Plus 2and now this.

So why create a New email client instead of implementing this into gmail for which Google is already known for? Today is the first time I've heard of inbox.

Sony is the is the winner of overkill with the Z5 premium. 4K resolution on a 5.5 inch screen 806ppi. You’re going to need bionic eyes with zoom in retina capabilities to see pixels that small.

Sony is the is the winner of overkill with the Z5 premium. 4K resolution on a 5.5 inch screen 806ppi. You’re going to need bionic eyes with zoom in retina capabilities to see pixels that small.

That PS3 looks like it was in the house of a family of smokers, who smoked a pack every other day. I opened my 360 from 09 this year and it looked nothing like that. Bought new led lit fans, cleaned and installed.

Thank you. Giz needs to update the specs.

I had hoped for at least a 3,000Mah battery. I shall wait for reviews before buying though. ( Heads over to Nexus 5X thread.)

He said the keyboard has capacitive touch to act like a mouse ( think scroll wheel) to use when in Google Chrome you can scroll up or down. Or in emails or long text messages. The keys on the qwerty keyboard are hard buttons you actually press though

Thanks. New York is more accessible then other places so I d don’t complain. It gives me independence but it’s far from perfect.

Uber is crap to me as they don’t even have accessible vehicles. The few accessible cabs that operate in N.Y. are usually regulated to the borough out Manhattan only. The few that commute borough to borough means availability is so scare you’d be waiting up to an hour for your cab. I use buses when the destinations

I’m a C6 quadriplegic and the Only alternative to commute from one borough to the next is to use access a ride. Unfortunately the service isn’t as convenient as MTA thinks it is. Having to wait outside 5 minutes prior to your pick up even though they can and are regularly late regardless of the conditions outside is

Humans might not have a pair of two. But here in N.Y. in a miriad of Clubs men essentially grind their tool on as many dairyaires they can, to also show they are the “rhythm master.”

They sometimes boost the ISS to avoid orbital debree as well.