
So what about the blood of those few who survived Ebola? I’m sure their antibodies would be helpful to analyze.

Should be titled Apple needs to stop making 16GB iPhones.

The Moto X Play has a bigger battery but won’t be released in the U.S. Verizon is exclusively getting a variant continuing the Droid Maxx line. How every you can buy the Canadian version and it can work on T-Mobile and AT&T

The specs for the phone was wildly covered during it’s announcement. 3000Mah they are probably knocking it for having a smaller battery then the more conservatively speced and Priced Moto X Play with a 3600+ battery.

“While the price is a definite like, that $400 price is for 16GB of storage. For a phone that shoots 4K, that is just not going to cut it. Enough. With. 16GB. Phones.”


If Apple does manufacture their own tv it will be 1080p but priced at the same as 4K tv’s. I can see them selling a 55inch 1080p ips for $3000 with a 🍎 logo and still it woul sell like hot cakes.

None of this matters that Hulu is picking up Netflix leftovers. Because on Hulu You’ll be subjected to ads that constantly interupt the experience. If you didn’t pay for Hulu before new users won’t be flocking to its paid tier for these movies. Also Netflix and Disney deal goes into effect next year which includes

I already knew that being the advid science freak that I am. I never stated there would be any destruction of matter wether planets or stars. Our Sun’s expansion will occur before the collision of these galaxies any way possibly sealing the demise of our planet.

Quite possibly a look at the fate of Andromeda and our Milky Way galactic centers. ( Black holes.) A few billion years from now when our neighbor collides with us hopefully humans will be far off observing from a greatdistance.

If you recieve more solar energy to convert into electricity than you consume on any day. That additional electricity can be stored on the Tesla batteries. Then at night you would use the batteries to power your household needs further reducing your dependency on the grid ( your electric company.)

Should’ve made it a list of 10 things with the 10th being the omission of Gears 2 or Gears 3 to make it the real Ultimate Edition. It didn’t need to be like the MCC but Gears 3 was my favorite of the series.

Had you said Nexus cameras are awful I would’ve agreed. Many Android phones have good cameras. LG G series from the G2 and up & Galaxy S6 and even Sony with their Z series phones.

He failed because he didn’t have a partner to tell him when shit was about to go bad “yo”.

No love for Empire? I’m looking forward to many fall shows though. Gotham and Empire surprised me last year. The Flash was good too.

Seeing as bees are dying with the possibility of extinction. I say if these bats are nectar drinking pollinators. Then say we should mass breed them and bring them to places like California, Florida and Georgia to help with pollination.

My guess would be that at some point there was a sub surface ocean and a impact occurred. Think of how you throw a large rock into a body of water how there is a splashing effect. Now think of how cold it is on Pluto. It’s possible that after the impact maybe it was H2O that immediately froze over.

The article should have stated that nitrogen is a much lighter element then carbon dioxide. So that adds to the reason the Plutonian atmosphere is being blown away at a much faster rate.

The ads aren’t as obtrusive as live TV programming, usually lasting only 30 seconds and occurring in 15 minute intervals. For binge watching I can see the annoyance but for catching up on a missed episode or two I have no problem.

I live in NYC, in the South Bronx to be more specific. There is no lack of transportation at all with or without Uber. Tri-borough a.k.a green cabs, yellow cabs, plenty of other can companies with regular fleet of vehicles, MTA. Access a Ride for disabled such as myself. Traffic congestion is ridiculous in N.Y.and by